Privatization Pirates!

Watching Captain Phillips recently, my wife turned to me and said "I've found someone who has a harder job than I do". I...

I Can’t Tell You Why

The Monona Grove School District recently held held their annual meeting. Typically these are sparsely attended and uneventful. This...

Simpson’s Soliloquy on Words of Reason

This weeks Herald Independent, the paper of record for the Monona Grove School District, had an interesting column from their latest Cottage Grove...

Republican Bully’s

H/T to Jay Bullock for catching this. Last week UW-Madison's own professor of history, geography and environmental studies penned this op-ed in the NY...

The Great Cookie Caper!

I received this email from a local Village resident(thanks for putting me on the mailing list). While I am not surprised that one...

Blast from the Past . . . Much of the Same

Someone came in to my office and gave me some old newspapers, because of some tenant related articles, but there were some other articles...

Permit Occassionally Required!

As the Cartoonish Chief Erwin sends his minions all over the state to issue tickets for singing in the Capitol, (purportedly for gathering in...

The actual story – MGSD

Recently, the Keep scott walker in power campaign funded largely by out of state special interests, ran an ad where he used a...

Teacher Pay

I wrote a LTE regarding teacher pay last year, and in Lieu of The community wide education meeting, I thought I would bring...

Lobbying – December Contacts

Ok - I'm going to try this . . . I'm going to track all contacts, including e-mails, phone calls, private meetings, appearances at...

Something To Think About

On October 28th 2013, Democrat Mary Burke launched her campaign to be the next Governor of the great state of Wisconsin. When...

Recall Repercussions

The results were in this summer with the democrats flipping two seats in the Senate recalls. While the republicans lost two seats,...