Chief Erwin Has To Go!

New Capitol Police Chief Dave Erwin has really put his stamp on the new job since taking over from Charles Tubbs. Unfortunately for the...

The Myth of Education “Reform”

My LTE made the Cap Times website, in a slightly edited version. Here is the full letter(with links): Now that school has resumed,...

Don’t Take Your Guns To Town…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...

We All Must Oppose The Expansion of School Vouchers

The Monona Grove Board of Education, building principals and district office administrators, and teachers (Monona Grove Education Association) join together to urge legislators to...

Saving Privatized Ryan (brothers)

The Village of Cottage Grove is at it again. They seem to be working very hard to lower the quality of life for...

Maybe I am divisive….

Showing a case of Sour Grapes, former appointed Cottage Grove Village President Mike Mikalsen, submitted a LTE to our local paper attacking me....

Wisconsin State Journal – Getting It Wrong for 100 Years!

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Wisconsin State Journal published an editorial on March 9th, 1914 proclaiming "Send Pickles...

Is it working?

Recently, Monona Grove Elementary teacher Jeff Knudson was the "star" of an ad for Scott Walker. Mr. Knutson looked directly into the...

Cottage Grove – Leadership Institute

It has been said that the people lead and the government follows. There have been many examples of this throughout history. Pressure...

Embedded Bruer

Quite often in politics, it is much easier to elect the incumbent than to sit and think and compae the candidates and figue out...

Think Globally but Pay Attention Locally…

The Village of Cottage Grove meeting this week was very telling of four members of the board. This item: e. Ad Hoc...

Spring 2011 Election Endorsements

The Spring 2011 sample Ballot is out and its time for my spring endorsements for the local election. 1. Wisconsin State Supreme...