City And County Meeting Week Ahead

One each . . . . Another short week, few meetings.CITYMonday, December 28, 20095:10 PM ADA TRANSIT SUBCOMMITTEE TO THE TRANSIT AND PARKING...

The Not Much Happening City and County Week Ahead

At the moment, I got, well, not much . . . you take a look . . . CITYThe city only has meetings on...

The (County) Week Ahead

Lots of meetings, all listed here, agendas here, only a few items that appeared to be of interest.MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2009Lots of mmeetings, but...

The "Do Over" (City) Week Ahead With All Kinds of Decisions by a "Handful...

Lets try this again, this time, without the blizzard. Here's the items of note. Full schedule here.Monday, December 14, 20098:00 AM ...

The County Week Ahead

Here's what I could tell was of interest. It's harder to predict with the county because they don't attach the materials they way...

The City Edgewatery Week Ahead

There are other things going on in the City besides talking about the Edgewater Hotel . . .Monday, December 7, 20093:00 PM INFORMATIONAL...

The (School Board) Week Ahead . . .

Kinda . . . a little . . . I thought this sounded interesting:Pocan and Miller will speak Monday 11/30 - Agenda of the...

The (County) Week Ahead

Without the budget, things slow back down, but still some items of note . . . and several missing agendas?? Full weekly...

The (City) Week Ahead

Back to the rat race . . . Monday, November 30, 200911:30 AM TIF REVIEW BOARD ROOM 313 MMB- Considering using the...

City and County Week Ahead

Well, its feast or famine. Not much this week. Good thing I'm wasting more of the years of vacation I accumulated ....

The (County) Pass the Budget Week Ahead

The City passed their budget, now its the county's turn! They only have 24 meetings this week, much more manageable than the city's...

The Meeting for Everyone (City) Week Ahead

Currently, there are 46! meetings scheduled for next week, and I'm sure more will pop up . . . that is an unusually high...