Sunny Schubert – Have You No Shame?

"The State Department is infested with communists. I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known...

Sunny Kept Us In The Dark…

In the Monona/Cottage Grove area,while we are a decent size community and many people read for their print/online newspaper, we have a respectable...

View from Outside the Bubble!

When I first started with Forwardlookout, we brought you the stories of how Sunny Schubert writes a local column disguised as public interest, in...

Cottage Grove – Where Democracy is a dirty word!

We recently held elections in Cottage Grove where Mike Mikalsen, lost his appointed position of Village Board President. The new Village President,...

New Rule – part 2.

This should be a given, but here goes. New Rule - Staff from really bad politicians make really bad politicians! While there are...

Merit Pay In Education -A Case Study

The Wausau Daily Herald recently penned an Op-Ed stating that under the last legislative session school reform "took a step forward" The reforms establish...

Others Weigh in on Privatization of Schools.

It's not just me pointing out that the republicans, led by Scott Walker, want to privatize(and profit from) public education. Let's take...

Cottage Grove – open for clients…

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lobbyist, and an old drunk were walking along when they simultaneously spotted a hundred-dollar bill ...

Don’t Take Your Guns To Town…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...

Beloit College Alum Points Out Right Wing Pundits Ignorance!

Denver Post Editor and Beloit College Alum Curtis Hubbard pointed out the ignorance of a right wing pundit! Then the fun began:


I have said over and over that the new brand of "fiscal conservatives" mean that if they are for it, there is no amount...

Stop Piling on….

I know Chris Rickert, is fairly new to the Wisconsin State Journal, but I usually really like his columns. Today however, his...