Cottage Grove – Where Democracy is a dirty word!

We recently held elections in Cottage Grove where Mike Mikalsen, lost his appointed position of Village Board President. The new Village President, Diane Wiedenbeck, was serving on the board as a trustee and now her position is open for the next year(until the next election).

In the same election, Registered Lobbyist and one term village trustee Paula Severson was also defeated. In a race of 5 candidates for 3 open seats, she finished 4th.

Tonight is the first meeting for Ms. Wiedenbeck as president and two village trustees, went behind her back, and added an agenda item to quickly appoint Ms. Severson back to the Village Board. Totally disregarding the election results and subverting democracy.

Its ironic because she must feel that since she was next in line(election wise) that the seat is hers. She also also feels she owns the fire station so I guess it is understandable. She also was “interim president” when when Mike Mikalsen was appointed. Obviously democracy is a dirty word to them, especially when it gets in the way of their agenda.

The appointment of Mike Mikalsen divided the community when it happened. The electorate sent a message saying they were sick of that kind of partisan petty politics, where dissent or other opinions were NOT allowed. The board by appointing Paula Severson would show that they do not care and will run the village as they see fit, voters be dammed. It is a sad day for democracy in Cottage Grove!

PS: I have sent emails to the board and Ms. Severson for comment and received no response yet. Will update when/if I do.



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