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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Round Up

Round Up!

Random things you might be interested in, mostly related to local government and the City of Madison.  Many additional government meetings.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up & Mo Meetings

A quick round up . . . may need to do another tomorrow once I sort through more emails!

Dane County’s priorities are all messed up

County Executive Joe Parisi likes to talk about Dane County values. And politicians like to say that a budget is a reflection of those values. Given recent events, what exactly are Dane County's values?
Round Up

Round Up (4/20/19)

Another round of things in my e-email inbox you might be interested in. Mostly City and Community Announcements

Wasted Jail Study Money

On election night, two influential county board committees met to decide what direction to go on the jail. Well, they claim that's not what they were doing, but lets face it, that is what they are doing. They are having the consultant study some more options. However, they couldn't change which options were studied. So only the one's that were "dictated" by the County Executive, the County Board Chair and the Chairs chose could be considered. Resulting in more wasted jail study money. The committee members repeatedly pointed out why at least the greenfield option was a non-starter. Here's the full video and the some videos of the highlights. Or lowlights.

Dane County Board Recap

This is the meeting after the meeting about the jail.  The County Board's regularly scheduled business meeting.  Usually consisting primarily of announcements and rubber stamping the committee recommendations, so I usually haven't been blogging it.

City and County Affordable Housing Fund Debates Thursday

This is it!  The new alders all ran for office saying they wanted to work on affordable housing.  This is our big opportunity, $11 million dollars will be spent.  Will it make a huge difference, or be more of the same old, same old?  Will we see big radical meaningful changes?

Dane County Jail Switcheroo

So, initially, when the Dane County Jail was only going to cost $76 million, it was the most expensive public works project the county every had. Now, it could cost $150 million. So they are looking for another option. Tonight, election night, at 7:00 the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee will be talking about this "change order". But what happened to the mental health study and a restoration center?
Round Up

Round Up (4/22/19)

Tons of meetings, events and public input opportunities in our community plus a few announcements.

Lake Levels Recommendations

The Yahara Chain of Lakes – Lake Levels Task Force meets tonight at 5:00 City-County Building – Room 354 to discuss Draft Task Force Recommendations Here's what they will be discussing tonight.

Catching Up with Flooding Issues (County)

So, on Monday (today) there will be a meeting of the Yahara Chain of Lakes - Lake Levels Task Force and they have two reports they will be looking at - one is a report from the technical work group (Feb. 1, 2019). The other is recommendations of the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee of the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission and the Capital Area Regional Planning (May 4, 2017). So, what are the solutions? Here's a summary of my very un-expert view of the over 100 pages of reports.

(Most of) County Government Closed Til Friday

They were closed Monday, open today . . . and closed Wednesday and Thursday.