Dane County’s priorities are all messed up

County Executive Joe Parisi likes to talk about Dane County values. And politicians like to say that a budget is a reflection of those values. Given recent events, what exactly are Dane County’s values?

What do I mean by recent events?

Well, the “largest property acquisition for conservation in the county’s history.”  ($10M)

The Dane County Jail, the largest public works project in Dane County history times 4 or 5! ($150M borrowed and we pay back $225M over 20 years.  A $72M oops!)

And, a $28 wheel tax.

And now Joe Parisi is saying we are entering uncharted territory regarding our budget? Was that an afterthought?  Surely this wasn’t a surprise to him.

And yet, they plan to plow forward with the $77M renovation of the Alliant Energy Center grounds.   Which will probably end up being another $150M by the time they get done, since they are counting on $205M from private investors.

To put all this in perspective, looking at 2001-2017 the capital budget ranged from $16M to $51M.  And that is spending for everything – roads, buildings, large projects.  (Link to original post here)

Are these your values?

So, if a budget reflect our values, we value what?  Putting black and brown people in cages first and foremost.  Tourism second.  Preventing flooding for the lakes houses third.  And then?

Where is the talk about affordable housing?  We need 26,000 units of affordable housing for residents of Dane County.

Where is that mental health restoration center?  The need for it has never been clearer.

And, it pains me to say, but David Ahrens is right, where is our investment in public transit?  Why are cities being asked to maintain and reconstruct county roads when the county is collecting the wheel tax?  What is the county’s contribution to Bus Rapid Transit?

County Elections are coming up!

It’s a bit early, but county board papers can be circulated December 1st, and most serious candidates are ready to announce they are running at Laborfest.  The only way things are ever going to change is if people step up and speak out . . . and run for public office.  It can’t be avoided, current politicians don’t listen.  Granted, if elected and you speak up you’ll get very few committee assignments and be marginalized by the group, but if there are enough people willing to run and change things, they can’t marginalize everyone.  Would you consider running?  Do you know someone who would run?  The future of our county depends upon it.  Think about it.


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