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Topics related to Dane County. This includes county gov’t and places outside of Madison.

Homeless Funding in Evers Budget

I went through the plan to see what Governor Evers saying he'd fully fund the recommendation of the Interagency Council on Homelessness really means. Here's what I found. This is no longer a report, its an actual action plan!

Homeless Mortality Rates 3 to 9 times Greater than Housed Persons

Yesterday morning, I called the coroners office to confirm the death of a homeless person, for which I only had a first name. He experienced problems outside of Shelter 1, on his way to Shelter 2 or 3 for the evening. 911 was called, staff performed CPR and he died at the hospital. An autopsy will be done to determine the cause of death.

Where is Dane County Getting All Its Money?

$150M jail, $10M for the largest land purchase in Dane County's history, $90M for the Alliant Energy Center.  In the past 10 years the entire capital budget averaged only $36M per year.  Just one of these projects is a significant increase in county spending.

Who’s Getting Endorsements this Spring?

Many organizations hedged their bets and didn't endorse in the primaries, but some did. Here's the score!

Can you ban people from a public building?

The next salvo from the mayor's office is to institute a procedure to ban people from the city-county building like they do at the library or Lisa Link park. I think it raises a few questions.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up & Mo’ Meetings

This is truly random and quickly done over a couple days . . . it's been a crazy week that included a trip to Atlanta, a death in the family and the elections . . . so, this is what I have!

City of Madison Buses to Sun Prairie?!

Zoinks! Did I miss something?  Is it real? Is it actually happening? The Transportation Committee is discussing this tonight!

Tenant Resource Center Gains New Board of Directors in Historic Election

This press release was sent out at 6am this morning, but I don't think one single reporter called.  I don't know what to make of that.  I guess its not sexy enough, not like when someone gets fired.

Dane County Board Jail Presentation

Last week the press started telling us the details of the 4 jail options. Thursday the County Board met in as a "Committee of the Whole" an hour before the County Board meeting to hear a presentation from Mead and Hunt (this blog post is primarily that meeting). Tonight, two county board committees are deciding which alternatives they want. Slam bam thank you mam and public input and racial equity analysis be damned.

Now the Mayor Considers Homeless “friends and neighbors”?

Get me a bucket. This press release does have some additional helpful information for dealing with the cold weather particularly about transfer point buses and the library hours. But really, does he think we don't all know what he really thinks about homeless people? Does he think we've forgotten everything he's tried to do? And he expects us to suddenly think he's being cooperative with . . . .well, anyone? Election year antics.

Vacanc(ies!) on the County Board (Updated)

I haven't seen an official notice . . . checked the county board site and their facebook page . . . After I posted this...

Cold Weather Accommodations for Homeless Individuals

Here's the info from the Homeless Services Consortium. Also, this is a map from madison.com. Greetings, Several agencies are making special accommodations to help...