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Fighting Poverty Coaltion Hosts Food Access and Hunger Awareness Event
Access to Affordable and Healthy Food Is Important Issue for Those Living in Poverty

What: The Fighting Poverty Coalition (FPC) will host a Food Access / Hunger Awareness event is to raise awareness of food access in Dane County.

Who: The event is organized by the FPC, a coalition of local organizations and individuals concerned about the impact of poverty in the growing and diverse communities of Dane County. The FPC is also proud to welcome the locked-out sugar beet workers of American Crystal Sugar Co., from Minnesota and North Dakota. These workers have been locked out of their factories since August 1, 2011 and are on a national tour to raise awareness about their plight and relationship to other working class issues, including food access.

When: Thursday February 23, from 6-8 pm.

Where: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 605 Spruce Street, Madison.

Why: The goal of the FPC Food Access and Hunger Awareness event is to raise awareness of food access in Dane County in regards to access and affordability of grocery stores and use of pantries to fulfill basic food needs for those living in poverty. Attendees will participate in a grocery shopping simulation with options of two grocery stores. There will also be a food pantry simulation to increase general awareness of what is needed to use pantries and what may be found at pantries.

There will be charts and fact sheets of food access and hunger issues in the area, including barriers to access such as transportation issues. Petitions and flyers of the “Food is a Human Right” Resolution will also be available. This resolution has been forwarded by the Madison-based community justice organization, Freedom Inc., and is being introduced to the Madison Common Council and Dane County Board for support.

The Fighting Poverty Coalition is a collaborative group of organizations including Progressive Dane, Madison Urban Ministry, Freedom Inc., Operation Welcome Home, and other individuals concerned about the impact of poverty in the growing and diverse communities of Dane County. The FPC will invest in the future of Dane County by working to end poverty through unified efforts around race, education, health, housing, jobs and livable wages, transportation and food issues with education, outreach and advocacy.


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