I’m horrified . . .how did this happen?

I don’t know how I missed this, but there is so much going on . . . but this is horrendous . . .

From Rep. Chris Taylor

Madison—Last night, the Assembly Republicans, on a party-line vote, rolled back pay equity law intended to address the persistent wage inequality between women and their male counterparts. In response, Representative Taylor issued the following statement:

“It is hard to believe that it is 2012 women are still fighting for the most basic human rights, including the right to have access to birth control and the right to be paid fairly and equally to our male counterparts. These were the fights of our mothers and grandmothers, but now there is a concerted effort by Republican public officials to roll back the clock at both the state and national level.

Wisconsin’s pay equity statute, which Republicans gutted last night, was having positive effects on reducing wage inequity. Since the Equal Pay Enforcement Act was passed in 2009, Wisconsin jumped 12 spots in gender earnings parity from 36th to 24th so that women now earn $0.78 per every dollar a man earns. That translates into an $11,000 annual yearly difference in earnings between men and women. Sadly that it is an improvement. Just the threat of additional penalties caused employers to get serious about addressing pernicious wage discrimination against women.

Instead of fighting these disparities, last night the Republican representatives wiped out decades of progress. In the process, they are treating women, and others who have suffered discrimination in the workplace, like 2nd class citizens.

Gutting the pay equity law isn’t about creating jobs or improving the business climate. It is incomprehensible while WI has lost jobs for the last 6 months and has the worst job record in the nation, Republican legislators are focused on passing legislation making it easier to discriminate against women and not pay them a fair wage. In fact, wage disparities deprive the average Wisconsin family of $4,000 each year.

The Republicans’ action hurt the economic earning capacity of women and families while shielding corporations that break the law, and engage in behavior no worker or employee should have to tolerate. Wisconsin women and families deserve better than this.”


  1. From a fiscally conservative voter:  I’m appalled at what the current republicans are doing to our state. We used to quibble some, but overall, we all worked together and got along… Now there is a rift so deep in our state that I fear no bridge will ever mend. Sure, I may have conservative leaning ideals, but this extreme FAR right agenda is crazy! These people represent the entire state, yet they are furiously passing extreme measures because they can, not because they should. I used to watch O’Rielly and Hannity until I saw how inaccurate the reporting was during the Capitol demonstrations. I want sanity back in the state house!!!!! We should never let ANY party get this strong…

  2. I would not be at all surprised if one of the four GOP traitors, err, presidential candidates didn’t try introducing a new Constitutional Amendment to repeal the 19th Amendment.

  3. I am just wondering how one-sided and accurate this article really is.  It sounds to me this is one person’s opinion.  I would really like to know where the stats came from so I, for myself, can check them and make an informed decision on what really happened and the consequences.  Too many people make rash statements and decisions based on inaccurate data and slanted articles.  Intelligent people make informed decisions, and if their decision differs from someone else, they do not resort to name calling (traitors) and labeling people.  It’s time everyone, Democrats and Republicans alike, grow up and stop all this partisan bickering and backstabbing.  I also watched O’Rielly and Hannity and I did not see an inaccurate reporting on the Capitol demonstrations.  In fact, I thought they were more bi-partisan in reporting it than our own local media.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions………and if people are ashamed to live in Wisconsin, move out…there are plenty of other states.  Let us know when you find one that doesn’t have problems and issues.  I’m sure there are many others that are “ashamed” to live in wisconsin that will follow (we can only hope).


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