What did Will Say?

In the middle of the press conference the other day, I got distracted by something Will said . . .

Take a listen . . .

“My good friend got slashed the other night.”

“He was just laying there sleeping, someone came up and slashed him and stabbed him because he didn’t have a safe place to be at night, where he can close his eyes.”

What? I got filled in on the details after the press conference. Here’s the police incident report.

No one can know for sure, but had this been at Occupy, and others had been around, it might not have gotten to this level and there would have been people around to help with the disagreement and if they were sleeping in a tent it might not have happened at all.

I’m also curious why its just reckless endangerment as opposed to attempted murder?

Can you imagine having to sleep on a bench, not knowing when you might get attacked? How could you ever close your eyes?

Will is right, we need solutions right immediately, before something worse happens. And congrats on getting housing.


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