Porchlight Breathalyzers

Uly explains why staying at Porchlight is problematic.

So, in the video Uly talks about issues with being asked to take a breathalyzer – I can fill in some other details once you watch . . .

So, I have heard consistent complaints about the breathalyzers, so I wasn’t surprised by this story. What bothers me is several things:

1) Who gets breathlyzers to enter the shelter seems to be random.

2) They won’t show people the results of the breathalyzer.

3) On a few occasions, people were denied at shelter one, but got in at shelter two on the same evening and the breathalyzers had different results.

Of course, these are just stories I hear, I have no way of verifying them independently. And people have no process to complain about the inconsistent procedures. And, any attempt at a discussion about having a third party, independent complaint system is met with adamant resistance. I think that to deal with these types of issues, there needs to be a way for people to complain about inconsistent treatment, and not fear retaliation from the only shelter they can go to.

In this particular case, I had talked to Uly around 8:30 that night. So, I have reason to believe he is telling the truth, as I didn’t smell any alcohol and he seemed just fine.


  1. Once again your ability to distinguish the problems is useful.  As someone who has worked in the single women’s shelter at times apparent alcohol use made it hard for the other women to get needed sleep.  It’s just like in a house where there is an alcoholic who acts out.

    I wish that these shelters would bring on people use their services for potential solutions so that it doesn’t feel oppressive.

    I remember hearing about Peace Park at the single women’s shelter and they said that it was the young kids who came there that made it problematic and everyone who went there was being blamed.

    Like you, no way to verify but we learn as we interact with people who the story tellers are and who are the messengers.

  2. The breathlyzing is random based on past behavior and what ones SMELLS like when they check in also info from other shelter guest. As an Intake person I always let the prospective guest see the results of the breathalyzer. If a person is breathalyzed and ANY numbers register but are not over the LEGAL limit they have to stay in shelter 2, they can’t stay in shelters 1 or 3 (when it’s open).  0.08 & Below is the limit


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