More Complete list of Madison Ordianances in Jeopardy

This list still isn’t complete, but its teh list of the Madison ordinances to protect tenants that are at risk due to LRB 1931 or now known as AB183. Hearing tomorrow at 10:00.  Public_Notice_5-2-13_Housing_and_Real_Estate

LRB 1931/2 or AB183

Impacts on Madison and Dane County Tenants

Based on a preliminary analysis . . .

 1. Landlords won’t have to notify tenants of the occupancy limits in the apartment.

2. Landlords will no longer be required to provide a phone number for the tenants to call.

3. Landlords will no longer have to disclose conditions that create an unreasonable risk of personal injury.

4. Landlords will no longer have to educate tenants about fire safety (MGO 34.907(1)(d) and no longer use the form notifying the tenant that they are in violation of the ordinance if they tamper with a smoke alarm (MGO 32.06(4))

5. Landlord Registration will need to be stopped.   

6. Landlords won’t have to tell new tenants that they have the right to abate rent due to previous tenant calling the building inspector.

7. Landlords won’t have to tell tenants that they can’t get the off-street parking permits,.

8. Landlords won’t have to disclose what kind of minimum income standards they are applying or what information a tenant would need to provide to demonstrate how they can comply with the rules.

9. Landlords will no longer be required to tell you why you are denied housing.

10. May limit what building code violations landlords are required to disclose, including heat.

11.Landlords will no longer have to have written guest policy.

12. Landlords will no longer have to give out the “Tenants’ Rights and Responsibilites” brochure.

13. Landlords can charge anything they want for a late fee, instead of being limited to 5% of the monthly rent..

14. Landlords no longer have to provide receipts and estimates for items deducted from the security deposit.

15. Landlords would no longer be required to list the hours worked or amount paid per hours when deducting from security deposits.

16.  Leases for 3 units or more no longer required to tell tenants there is no smoking in common areas in the lease.  MGO23.05(3)(p)

17.  Our chronic nuisance ordinance requires communication by the landlord to the city of information that is not required by state or federal law and is not required of all property owners. This ordinance will need to be reviewed for process and possible removal of fines to landlords.  MGO 25.09(3)(b)3.f.

18.  Landlords will no longer have to give out voter registration information.

19.  Landlords in Dane County will no longer be required to ask tenants if they want to be notified about why they are denied.

20.  Fitchburg ordinances will also be impacted but we have not had time to review them.

Madison Ordinances are still being reviewed and we expect to add additional provisions to this list.  It is likely not complete.


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