Wisconsin State Journal Editorial

In regards to  this editorial, I sent the following letter: I just wanted to let you know that with today's ridiculous editorial, If the...

Let’s get them on the record!

Governor Walker came out last week with a union busting bill - Lots more information here. A couple of things have been overlooked...

Wisconsin Republicans Planning to Secure Road Funding, Destabilize Transit Funding.

An e-mail sent out by the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association reports strong rumblings that either the Governor or the Legislature will try to...

The Wisconsin Highway Stimulus Rebate

Dear Scott Walker, You have pledged to control runaway government spending in Wisconsin and focus on "Jobs, Jobs, and Jobs."  Many of your backers from...

Where is the Train?

The question on a lot of people’s minds here in Madison is will Scott Walker follow through on his promise to stop the train...

Tea Party Launches Counteroffensive Against the Train

In response to stories of  Governor-Elect Scott Walker's transition team's office being swamped with pro-train calls, conservative e-mail lists have just been blasted with...

Walker: I’m Keeping My Promise

Scott Walker's transition director has just released the following statement:     “Governor-Elect Scott Walker is going to fulfill his campaign promise to stop the construction of the Madison-Milwaukee...

Scott Walker: Stuck in the 70’s

Scott Walker’s recent letter to Ray LaHood begging to divert high speed rail funding into highway expansions reveals a significant gap in his understanding of transportation policy and technology. Will Wisconsin pay the price for his nostalgic views on transportation?

It is Time to Tell Scott Walker Not to Cut Wisconsin Off From Progress!

It seems that Jim Doyle has washed his hands of the decision on high speed rail with the recent announcement that he will leave it to Scott Walker to make the call. But the future of Wisconsin is too important to let this happen without making a last stand!