Snow and Pedestrians

The thing about asking alot of questions, is that when it works right, you get answers. But then, you have to figure out...

Are You Sick of This Yet Round Up

I am. I really want the final vote to be tonight (as long as it is safe for everyone involved) and I really...

Snow Emergency – Move Your Car!!

From the City of Madison:The City of Madison has declared a snow emergency. That means that alternate side parking restrictions will be in...

What is the City Changing in their Approach to Snow?

Here's the unedited version of the recommendations that were discussed at and the notes from the final meeting of the snow committee with [bk comments.].

Snow, the City, snow and more snow.

They're still working on it . . . Here's what you need to/might want to know.The City of Madison includes750 miles of streets1700 total...

Common Council meeting tonight

Last Council meeting of 2007 . . . here's what's in store.1. Dick Wagner getting the Jeff Erlanger Civility Award - I understand...

Snow . . . some progress.

Hours changed for "free" parking in City Parking ramps. This is from the press release: NEW “FREE” PARKING TIMES FOR...

Weather and Streets Update

Yesterday was a bad day to have your furnace go out. Sorry to state the obvious, but luckily for me, $180, some...

Never ending snow . . . .and snow trivia.

Here's the latest update from the head of the Streets Department . . .We were supposed to get less than 1/2" of snow...

More "wrinkles" with the snow. Free isn’t always free and moving the snow.

A constituent of mine emailed me about why she had to pay to park in the "free" parking ramps in the downtown area....