End? of the Week Round Up

This may be my last post for the week. I have the rest of the week off . . . but then again...

Monday Morning Round Up

So, it was a very busy week last week and this week looks to be more of the same. Anyways, here's a few...

Snowy, Tenanty Round Up

Snow related items, tenant items and a few others . . . I almost made it without mentioning the E word . . ....

City Operating Budget: What’s in? What’s out?

Here's the run down. A quick overview of the information that we got today:(links are to the sections of the budgets for each...

Snow: Pictures speak better than words.

You tired of the snow? I am. Or more accurately, I'm tired of the complaints about the snow. Some of the...

What is the City Changing in their Approach to Snow?

Here's the unedited version of the recommendations that were discussed at and the notes from the final meeting of the snow committee with [bk comments.].

Weather and Streets Update

Yesterday was a bad day to have your furnace go out. Sorry to state the obvious, but luckily for me, $180, some...

Record Snowfall: Madison’s Snowiest Ever! – UPDATED

This, from Al Schumacher, Streets Superintendent:The record has been broken. We have now lived through the snowiest winter season on record with more...

Are You Sick of This Yet Round Up

I am. I really want the final vote to be tonight (as long as it is safe for everyone involved) and I really...

Snow Emergency Declared.

Here we go again . . . .Email from the "snowemergency" listserve:The City of Madison has declared a snow emergency.That means that...

Park on the EVEN side tonight 1 am to 7 am

I know, its seems like an exercise in futility . . . but please do it!I moved my car today, and I'm wondering, how...

Snow, what else?

On a day like today, how could you talk about anything but snow? After yesterday, I'm sure just about everyone has a story....