Snow, what else?

On a day like today, how could you talk about anything but snow? After yesterday, I'm sure just about everyone has a story....

Snow – Shouldn’t we have this down by now?

So, the City has been plowing roads for years, why didn't we get it right this time? I actually asked myself, did we...

Mid-Week (Tuesday) Round Up

Love it when Tuesday is mid week . . . ONE WEEK, THEN A DO-OVERThat's right, the Edgewater is back. Re-do the bingo...

An Open Letter To Chris Mertes – The Sequel

A few years back, Sun Prairie Star Editor Chris Mertes wrote such a ridiculous editorial that I wrote him an open letter. Mertes has outdone...

Canceled! (Updated!)

In case there was any doubt . . . .Madison Metro (buses) is closing down at 7:00.Also now updated: Due to deteriorating weather...

Snow Emergency – Move Your Car!!

From the City of Madison:The City of Madison has declared a snow emergency. That means that alternate side parking restrictions will be in...

Are You Sick of This Yet Round Up

I am. I really want the final vote to be tonight (as long as it is safe for everyone involved) and I really...

I Can’t Wait!!! Round Up (Final)

Silly, I know, but for those of us on the sidelines, this is like the superbowl.EDGEWATER: IT'S DO OR DIE TIMEGeek Alert: I...

Tonight:: Move your Car or Be TOWED!!!

So, they're threatening to use their emergency powers and tow cars tonight. Here's the update from Streets Superintendent Al Schumacher and the Notice...

Hey! It’s a Snow Day! Round Up

Eh, I slept in, went to Bizzardoke at the High Noon last night. Now I can't decide if its worth it to get...

Will you be towed?

At least they are telling us which streets they are going to target, that's progress. I'm "lucky" enough to live on one of...

What didn’t make it in the budget requests . . .

The list is long . . . I've posted 56 requests from most departments here and the 30 police and fire requests here.The long...