Same as it ever was . . . .

I thought we referred the RTA Resolution to the Mayor's office to be worked on. I'm still seeing version one on the agenda...

Low income bus pass program Now Available!

One bus pass per family for $27.50 . . . If you get food stamps and can pick it up during normal working hours....

Fuel costs are . . . down?

This fuel cost argument isn't exactly panning out. The WSJ did a story that started to explain that the WORST BUDGET EVER IN...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

Metro Holiday Service . . .or lack thereof . . .

When I heard last night that Rhythm & Booms was cancelled, my first thought, as much as I hate to admit it, was ....

Lazy Friday Afternoon Round Up

There's so much out there today . . . county and city. No snow or Edgewater today, that'll be saved for Monday.WHERE'S THE...

Greyhound . . . oh, btw, we’re moving. Tomorrow. In less than 12 hours.

The only story that ends up in my google reader to pass along to you. But the story is more about what you...

Bus Fare $1.75 – No Low Income Rider Fare

Well, after more public testimony, several motions, much confusion and about 2 hours of debate they settled on $1.75.I missed the motion to reconsider....

Madison Metro: Dream Big!

With all the talk about trolleys and trains and regional transportation authorities, it seems that the Madison Bus system is being ignored. Well,...

Advertsing . . . and Fiscal Awareness

One of the latest mantras by the band of merry moderates on the City Council is that we need advertising to fill the gaps...

Bus Detours: Cap Square and Atwood Summerfest

Here they are:CAPITOL LOOP DETOUR: Bus Stop Shelter ReplacementsStarts Saturday, July 28Due to the demolition and replacement of the bus shelters on the Capitol...

7 – 2! No Bus Fare Increase!

Bravo for the Transit and Parking Commission for doing the right thing!At first, I was dismayed that they were the only one's to hold...