There Are Alternatives to Cutting Routes

The issues with the Transit and Parking Commission's decision not to raise bus fares seem to get more and more muddied by the day....

Mixed Messages

Yesterday, I grabbed dinner and a beer at the Great Dane after a meeting. I happened to be facing the window and saw...

Mayor Responds to Transit and Parking Commission

So, when the Transit and Parking Commission voted 7 - 2 to reject the fare increases for Madison Metro, many wondered what the Mayor's...

Trolleys vs Busses

A recent article in the Isthmus by Vikki Kratz about the Mayor suggesting that we pay for his street car proposal with local funds...

Metro: What its about!

Last night at the Transit and Parking Commission during the discussion about closing some bus stops, it was a very interesting struggle between serving...

New Year’s (Slow) Week (Weak?) Round Up

Here's what I got . . . I'd have been tempted to skip it, but it looks like there are still plenty of...

Here’s the TPC Memo.

Thanks to Amy, here's the memo for anyone on da internets to read! Enjoy.

Thursday’s Thoughts

Again, today, still much to blog about. So here's the schmorgasborg.(How often do you get to use that word?!)D'ANGELOThis whole D'Angelo thing is...

The Future of the Bus System: April is a BIG month!

The Long Range Metro Committee report is about to be released and needs input and the annual improvements/cuts hearing is coming up as well....

Madison Buses – A System for Traditional Commuters

Last night, I attended a 4 hour public hearing about the proposed bus route changes. This post is late this morning because I...

Chilly Morning Round Up

A few topics to chew on as you drink your coffee or tea, or hot cocoa and try to warm up . . .GOOD...

A Madison Metro RTA!!

So, if all went well, the City of Madison and surrounding areas should have state authority to create an RTA!!! At least it...