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Madison Metro (Busses)

The "As Long as I’m Awake" Council Recap

Well, I just got home at 2:00 . . . and it's not cuz we were at the bar!We probably should have known that...

Greyhound . . . oh, btw, we’re moving. Tomorrow. In less than 12 hours.

The only story that ends up in my google reader to pass along to you. But the story is more about what you...

The Regional Transportation Authority Language revealed!!

Here's the changes made to that ever elusive Mayor's version of the RTA resolution. It's not yet available in Legistar as of the...

Transpo Fund Amendment Will Not Deliver!

So the proponents of Wisconsin state referendum question #1, a constitutional amendment to protect the transportation fund, put out a video to convince the...

Bus Fare $1.75 – No Low Income Rider Fare

Well, after more public testimony, several motions, much confusion and about 2 hours of debate they settled on $1.75.I missed the motion to reconsider....

Transit & Parking Tid Bits

This isn't a complete blow by blow or all the agenda items, but here's some highlights - Bus depot, route changes, Carl DuRocher, etc.CARL...

A little more Round Up

There's a little bit out there to comment on . . . EDGEWATER TOURI considered going, but didn't feel like listening to another sales...

Clarification on Bus Fare "Public Hearing" Matter

I have several questions about procedure and process, which I am seeking clarification on. It seems to me that perhaps we can't do...

Mixed Messages

Yesterday, I grabbed dinner and a beer at the Great Dane after a meeting. I happened to be facing the window and saw...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

Chilly Morning Round Up

A few topics to chew on as you drink your coffee or tea, or hot cocoa and try to warm up . . .GOOD...

Advertsing . . . and Fiscal Awareness

One of the latest mantras by the band of merry moderates on the City Council is that we need advertising to fill the gaps...