What will $44,758.25 buy you with the Common Council?

So, the lobbying reports were due on July 31st. I was kind of waiting to have them on-line before I looked at them, but...

Here we go again . . . give us our private meetings

Is it fair to the public when there are 4 meetings that discuss a particular issue and a certain segment of the business industry...

Who did the lobbying for . . . .

TomoTherapy - last December they got a $700,000 loan from the city, but don't seem to have a registered lobbyist.What about .the Todd Drive...

Where are the Whole Foods lobbyists?

Did I miss something? I can't find the registration for either Whole Foods or Sentry listed on the City's website.One of the lobbyists...

Lobbying Reports – What a mess!

So, I went to go look at the results of so many people registering as lobbyists. Bleck.Here's some of the things that I found:Some...

Ah . . . those lobbying complaints, er, inquiries . . . .

At the last City Council meeting we accepted the annual lobbying report from the City Attorney's office. They dedicated one whole section of the...

And you thought I gave lobbyists a bad name . . .

Sometimes, they do it themselves! Consider the misleading statements made by Attorney Ron Trachtenberg in a recent letter to the City of Madison Mayor...

March lobbying contacts

Hopefully, I can do better tracking this month . . . tho I'm getting tired of guessing if these folks are covered by the...

February Lobbying Contacts

Sorry, I very much likely missed some folks in February, due to my own tendencies to disorganization that were exacerbated by the silly belief...

January Lobbying Contacts

So, this is my second month of keeping track of my lobbying contacts here. I suspect there will be a few more this month...

City Lobbying Law Trainings for Chamber of Commerce Members Only?

The Chamber of Commerce recently used the lobbying law to rally their troops. They also fought hard to make sure that as many of...

Lobbying – December Contacts

Ok - I'm going to try this . . . I'm going to track all contacts, including e-mails, phone calls, private meetings, appearances at...