Thursday Round Up

Thursday round up, round two this week. I'm not sure if it is lazy blogging or just still too much to blog about....

The Friday Snarkarama

I have about 30 blog topics in my queue that I haven't gotten to, I might not have snarky comments about all of them,...

No lobbyists.

None. Zip. Nada.Apparently, the City of Madison has no lobbyists this year.And I'm afraid to even go near the clerk's office and...

Should Lobbyists sit on City Committees?

This is an oldie but a goody. I first asked this question in 1999 when former Mayor Sue Bauman appointed the paid industry...

What is Wrong with Wisconsin?

Lobbyists have taken over. If there ever was a doubt, all you need to do is look at AT&T's recent victory. And...

Blast from the Past . . . Much of the Same

Someone came in to my office and gave me some old newspapers, because of some tenant related articles, but there were some other articles...

Lax Lobbying Enforcement

The City Attorney's 2006 report on the lobbying law is out. In fact, it is dated January 24th, well before the filing...

Do what the Lobbyist says!

Apparently, some people think the plan commission can't approve anything unless the developer and/or their (very nice) lobbyist agree. What? Yup, that's...

I wonder . . .

So, we gutted the lobbyist registration ordinance last year . . . but some people still need to fill out the expense reports...

Loitering: It’s Ba-a-a-c-k

Doesn't it sometimes seem that we keep changing the players but having the same discussions. It's true about smoking, even something I favor -...

Lobbying: Chamber comes in #2

People on forum are upset with me for raising the lobbying issue.They seem more upset about my posting on lobbying on the paid...

Who is in whose pocket?

In the recent debate over Midvale Plaza, many of the community members accused Progressive Dane alders of being in the pockets of the developers....