Slow Week Tuesday Morning Round Up

In the 70s tomorrow! What else matters?WHAT OUR LIBRARY NOW CAN BEIf we somehow manage to straighten it out.$3.4M FOR THE SCHOOLSMore potential...

CC Recap – 600 East Johnson

Tear down 11 houses and build 3 big buildings on E Johnson Street? Sure, screw the neighborhood plan . . . if we...

Slow News Week Thursday

The slow news week continues, so I have to make my own . . . luckily I have some material you won't be reading...

MMSD No Vote on Edgewater TIF Recommended

This isn't a surprise, but the agenda for Monday's Board of Education meeting includes a recommendation from the administration to instruct their rep on...

Edgewater: Denied! (Final)

It was a 7 hour meeting . . . I missed the first three hours, which consisted of 1.5 hours to 2 hours of...

Edgewater Project-Labor Agreement Still Elusive

I've heard back from everyone except Bruer and Maniaci and the Building Trades. See the alder responses below.

Mid-week Round Up

Lots and lots of miscellaneous . . . catching up on non-budget, non-Edgewater related topics! And no long meetings to report on! ...

Edgewater – Hammes Presentation

This is part of a post that starts here that is a recap of the neighborhood meeting held about the Edgewater project. HAMMES GROUP...

Blaska Out of Touch?

So, I went to the meeting about the "code of conduct" on the SW side expecting people to rail against "those people" on Section...

Common Council Recap – The Basics

A report, from citizen reporter Konkel! ;) GETTING STARTEDThe meeting started around 6:38, Mayor was in the chair since before 6:30, but it...

The Badger Bus Depot Common Council Recap

GETTING IT STARTED Um . . . Bruer? Bruer? He wanders in, talking to everyone . . . and attempts to call...

The Mayor, Blogging, Council Use of Web Pages & Woeful Use of Technology

Inspired by Kristin's puff piece on Mayor Dave Cieslewicz blogging . . . not her fault its a puff piece, not much news happening...