Some Light Shed on Sunny’s Numbers

Recently The Herald-Independent columnist and writer for the right-wing "think tank" WPRI, recently "reported" on the state of the Monona Grove School District....

What Did You Do On Summer Vacation?

While I worked, we were able to get away for a family vacation in Hayward, WI. Monona Grove School District teacher Brent Schacht...

When Considering Infrastructure, Build for the Future!

Popular culture would tell the city leaders of Madison that in our current budget we need to focus on providing basic services like expanding...

Meet Randy Hopper

While you have been able to get the latest news on Randy Hopper right here at this humble little blog, there are a...

Step Right Up…..

Wisconsin, the original headquarters of Ringling Brothers circus, which has brought us such acts as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Zip...

Misplaced Priorities

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it. P.J. O'ROURKE, Holidays in Hell The Village Board in...

Random Thoughts….

I went to the District 48 candidate forum at Talula tonight. I arrived late and was only able to see the last half...

Collective Bargaining

Recently, former Monona City Administrator Dave Berner, a "guest editorial" regarding the evils of collective bargaining. While working on my response...

Of The Midnight “Revision” of Paul Revere

I had been meaning to let this go, but it has been on my mind as a microcosm of the political events of recent...

He who must not be named….

There is an incredible amount of fake outrage on the right regarding Anthony Weiner, from head nerd Reince Priebus on down. ...

Think Globally but Pay Attention Locally…

The Village of Cottage Grove meeting this week was very telling of four members of the board. This item: e. Ad Hoc...

Scott Walker was right….

Governor Scott Walker appears to have been correct when he said: "We're Broke and Can't Negotiate." Unfortunately the members of the legislature did...