He who must not be named….

There is an incredible amount of fake outrage on the right regarding Anthony Weiner, from head nerd Reince Priebus on down. The Republicans are very upset kinda. If only Weiner had tried to to suppress minority votes, then Priebus would love him. Instead Congressman Anthony Weiner was flagged for inappropriate tweets! This caused a stir from masters of fake outrage on the right. They came out in force, from our own forgotten bumbling Senator Ron Johnson, to Congressman Eric Cantor to Democratic leadership. All outraged over what Anthony Weiner did yet skipping right over Clarence Thomas and David Vitter.

Now the “non partisan” “think” tank Wisconsin Policy “Research” Institute jumped on the Weiner bandwagon. Local rightie hack Sunny Schubert( who recently wrote a column extolling the brilliance of Sarah Palin) about the latest “sex scandals”. She brings up such disposed and ancient politicians as John Edwards, Bill Clinton and Larry Craig(for good bi partisan measure). She even ends her column with:

“Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned…
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.”

Men need to remember that, especially those who enjoy special privilege and power. Get caught plucking your magic twanger when you’re not supposed to, and you won’t like the tune that we voters play.

Yet she glosses right over the aforementioned Vitter and Thomas, two sitting and beloved Republican officeholders. The Wisconsin Right wing has had a serious balancing act trying to show outrage and paint the democrats as immoral all the while pretending it does not happen on their side. Yet throughout all of this latest scandal, the Wisconsin Republicans have done a masterful job of never discussing one individual. He Who Must Not Be Named.

Since this blog does not carry the water for the Republicans, I will name him here:


A quick recap on Senator Randy Hopper (R- Madison) for those who do not know. Senator Hopper, who voted for the budget repair bill, and thus disenfranchising his constituents. They decided to run a recall campaign. While they were gathering signatures, they also protested in front of his house. Senator Hopper’s wife, then went out and told the protestors, that they were protesting the wrong house. She pointed out that the Senator, now lived in Madison with his 25 year old girlfriend/lobbyist, Valerie Cass. Ms. Cass was able to keep her apartment in madison, because Senator Hopper hooked her up with a sweet state job and big raise. More on Senator Hopper here.

So any attempt to spin the Weiner misdeeds without mentioning Senator Hopper is laughable. I guess when WPRI bills itself as a “free market” think tank, that means they are free to leave out the facts!

PS: There is an actual qualified great candidate running against Randy Hopper in the recall elections. Go to Jessica King for Senate, and help where you can. It is time that the 18th District actually had representation.


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