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Common Sense Coalition

Saving Privatized Ryan (brothers)

The Village of Cottage Grove is at it again. They seem to be working very hard to lower the quality of life for...

Common Sense = Press Release?

On cue, the Common Sense Coalition does what . . . drum roll please . . . issues a press release. Now, this...

"Not a Political Party" Liar!

Remember this . . . When asked if the group would support a mayoral candidate, or if any of its members were considering running...

CSC and BK agree on Local Purchasing

This morning I trekked out to the west side to the Common Sense Coalition's meeting regarding small businesses. It was quite the adventure, but...

Lobbying: Chamber comes in #2

People on thedailypage.com forum are upset with me for raising the lobbying issue.They seem more upset about my posting on lobbying on the paid...

Loitering: It’s Ba-a-a-c-k

Doesn't it sometimes seem that we keep changing the players but having the same discussions. It's true about smoking, even something I favor -...