Home Common Sense Coalition

Common Sense Coalition

Buy your illusion of democracy here . . . .

Remember when, a little group called Smart Growth Madison, Inc. got started . . . way back in January, 2003? Remember who wrote...

Buying Local . . . did you notice it passed?

How does it happen that when Ray Allen and Mayor Dave, the Common Sense Coalition and Progressive Dane, Brenda Konkel and Russ Frank (Madison...

Common Sense = Press Release?

On cue, the Common Sense Coalition does what . . . drum roll please . . . issues a press release. Now, this...

Loitering: It’s Ba-a-a-c-k

Doesn't it sometimes seem that we keep changing the players but having the same discussions. It's true about smoking, even something I favor -...

"Not a Political Party" Liar!

Remember this . . . When asked if the group would support a mayoral candidate, or if any of its members were considering running...

CSC: They are . . . They aren’t . . . and they are...

Ok - is the Common Sense Coalition going to endorse candidates, or not? Yes? No? Maybe?Is the answer yes, once and...