A Homeless Bill of Rights

Written by a homeless man I know, not sure what he intended to do with it, but I thought it was worth sharing – its simple and clear.

A Homeless Bill of Rights

1. The right not to freeze to death in the winter.

2. The right not to die of a heat stroke in the summer.

3. A place to relieve oneself in the middle of the night.

4. A place to stash your trash.

5. Showers so you don’t stink like a pig.

6. Laundry facilities.

7. Toiletries (Soap, razors, toothbrushes, toothpaste).

8. A 911 hot line.

9. A place to socialize (A day center).

10. An information center.

11. Medical assistance for long neglected ailments.

12. Dental assistance.

13. Job training.

14. Job placement.

15. Alcohol and drug abuse treatment.

16. Psychiatric counseling.

17. Spiritual guidance.

18. Food banks so you don’t starve.

19. Bus passes to get around.

20. Affordable day care.

21. Veteran’s services.

22. Educations programs such as GED’s.

23. A right not to be harassed by the police.

24. Affordable health care services.

25. Equal rights under the law.

26. Civic opportunities to contribute to society.

27. Programs for runaway youths.

28. Child welfare services that don’t steal children.

29. Shelters for battered women.

30. The right to vote.

31. Inmate rehabilitation services.

32. Blind and death services.

33. A chance to give something back.

34. A community relief fund.


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