What Does a Paul Soglin Win Mean?

It could be a real game-changer. Here’s some things to watch out for in the next few weeks.

The new council and Mayor get sworn in on April 19th. They have a noon ceremony where everyone says their good-byes and the new people are sworn in. At that time, there typically are new committee appointments for the alders that are released. With good mayors these aren’t major surprises and everyone gets a committee that they want. The committees that everyone watches is who gets appointed to the Board of Estimates (Finance Committee) and the Plan Commission. Other big appointments are to the Transit and Parking Commission and Alcohol License Review Committee. Other questions is who will serve on the CDA, or Parks, or Landmarks, or UDC or Housing Committee. Paul Soglin could become the chair of the Plan Commission if he wanted. Or, he can appoint someone to be his designee, which most mayors do. That evening, the committee appointments for alders will be approved, there could be some adjustments throughout the day as they bargain for what they want. At that point, they will also vote on a new President and Pro Tem for the Council. The rein of Mayor Dave/Tim Bruer/Mark Clear/Lisa Veldran will be over.

Other things to watch is who will he appoint as staff? I can’t imagine Janet Piraino, Mario Mendoza, Rachel Strauch-Nelson, Ray Harmon or Chris Klein staying on. And the position formerly filled by Andrew Statz will likely be eliminated. Soglin will hire his own staff to to interact with the public, the staff and the alders.

Also, expect some gradual changes in the committees. There is a current list of committee vacancies (which is sometimes misleading), but there will be many, many, many more openings over the months. (If you’re interested in committees, get your application and statement of interests in, look at the lesser known committees because that is where you are more likely to be appointed.) A couple things to watch. Will Mayor Paul observe the 10 year rule? Will he continue to appoint people who don’t live in Madison? A quick survey yesterday shows at least 20 people who don’t live in the city appointed in the past year. Finally, Women and People of Color encouraged to apply! The gender balance on most committees is atrocious, so women, time to step up!!!

On the issues. How will this change things like redistricting, the zoning code rewrite, the landbanking program and Don Miller/Union Corners and other major investments, the library, TIF requests, funding for community services, affordable housing and most of all, poverty. Stay tuned.


  1. slightly off topic, but do you think the 10,000 votes for SC and not for Mayor could be two things. 1. hard core republicans who did not vote for either and 2. people who liked them both and did not care and couldnt choose?

  2. Expect at least one very familiar name when PRS staff announced. (At least, familiar to those who have been around a while …) And don’t you think he will name Ken Golden as mayoral rep to chair Plan? What do you think happens to the citizen appointments DJC prepared for submittal on 4/19?

  3. The Mayor doesn’t actually appoint the chair of plan, they appoint a member if they don’t chair it. Mayor Dave, of course, ignored that little fact.

    Composition. The City Plan Commission shall consist of nine (9) voting members. The Mayor or his/her designee shall serve as a member of the commission. The other members shall be three (3) members of the Common Council and five (5) citizens. The Mayor, at the annual organizational meeting each year, shall indicate to the Common Council whether he/she will serve as
    chairperson of the Plan Commission or inform the Common Council of the name of his/her designee. The Mayor may elect to assume membership on the commission at any time. In the
    event the Mayor names a designee, the commission shall elect one (1) of its members to be chairperson.


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