The Social Justice Center Thanks YOU!

Wow, thanks to everyone who made the dedication of the Nan Cheney Community Room such a wonderful event! Check out the video and please help thank everyone who made it happen! No more squeaky chairs!

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to sprucing up the Social Justice Center through painting and cleaning and laying the new flooring and carpeting and helping with all the finishing touches! I’m worried I’m forgetting some folks, but it took a whole community to pull this off and I’d like to thank so many people!

Thanks to Katrina Flores for the lovely art work in the gallery; John Quinlan for doing the taping; the Raging Grannies for singing, Paul Harrison for helping us with the vision for the event and all his great connections!; Melissa Carlson for helping us with the graphics and design work; Dick Manley from Great Graphics for working with us on the signs; Gregg Knapp at Paragon for getting the chairs AND tables here on time; WYOU, Wisconsin Youth Company and the summer camp kids for the great video about the Social Justice Center; Carol Carstensen and Jeanne Erickson for keeping us all going in the right direction (sometimes at the same time); Stephanie Rearick, Kathy Parker and Barbara Bolan for making all the tough decisions to make it all look so good; Sharon Kilfoy (mural artist) and John Martens for inspiring us in our spruce up; Tony Anderson from Madison Community Coops for finding the flooring at Habitat Restore and installing it; Roberto Yanez and Rob Bloch for completing so much of the carpeting; Laura Dixson and Roberto Yanez for the great food preparation;, everyone who helped pull things together at the last minute and to TRC staff and volunteers who happily helped with all those “other duties as assigned” when I asked; Dan Carstensen, the Timebank and WYOU folks who helped so much with the spruce up; Jonathan Bedford for preparing the wood trim; Stephanie Rearick for all the detail work; Barbara Bolan for doing whatever it takes; Eric Allin for being tall and having long arms and letting me interrupt his work when I asked him to do various random tasks around the building; Megin McDonell for having the “just tell me what to do” attitude and last but not least, the Nan Cheney family (especially Nina and David) for continuing to support Nan’s great work at the Social Justice Center. Without her leadership and work with Wisconsin Community fund the Social Justice Center likely would not have happened and the donors who donated in Nan’s honor to help make it all happen! We couldn’t have done it without all of you! [Ugh, I really hate making that kind of a list, cuz I”m afraid I forgot someone! My sincere apologies if I did . . . it just took so many people get it done and I’m sure I didn’t even see everything that everyone did!]

There’s more to come . . . we have some work left to do . . . some more fundraising to make our vision of the spruced up center a reality and of course . . . we need to do it all as we continue to fight for social justice, which seems all the more imperative after the recent elections.

So, thank you, everyone . . . .


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