Superintendent Contract Already Signed, So Why Vote Tonight?

Did Gloria Reyes, School Board President (1/24) and Nicki VanderMuelen, School Board Clerk (1/27) have authority to sign the employment agreement with the new School Board Superintendent Dr. Matthew Gutierrez?

I can’t take credit for noticing this.  H/T to TJ Mertz for pointing it out!  He also points out, no public comment will be allowed at this meeting.

Tonight the Madison School Board is meeting at 5:00 in Room 103 of the Doyle Administration Building.  It’s a Open Session WORKSHOP, according to their agenda.  There will be no public input.

There is only a call to order, one item and then adjournment.

The one items is “Vote on Superintendent Contract”.  But here’s the catch.  The contract attaches has already been signed!!!

Of course, this raises a bagillion questions.

  • When and how did the board decide to hire the superintendent?
  • Was it in a properly noticed meeting or did they violate open meetings laws?
  • Were Reyes and VanderMuelen authorized to sign this contract?  If so, when and how was that decision made?  Was it in a legally noticed meeting?
  • Why are they voting tonight if they already authorized the signatures?
  • Why does is say they are voting at a meeting on February 24th in under the signatures?

And on and on and on and on and on.

I miss having TJ Mertz on the School Board – at least he’d ask the tough questions – even if it was annoying to the staff and his colleagues.  He was at least a check on this kind of behavior.

This is really screwy and makes no sense at all.  A government body should not be acting in this manner.  That’s all I got.  Complete and bewildered amazement.  What is wrong with the public body that they think they can operate this way?



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