Silly County Games

I go to a parks commission meeting and ask three questions, the chair of the committee, thanks me for coming, tells the staff to respond and when they respond, who do they send the response to . . . hint: anyone but me.

This is just freaking absurd. What in the world motivates them to act like children on a playground? Why can’t they respond to me directly? I asked the questions, no one else was there. Meg wrote an email, which apparently they CAN respond to. What are they afraid of? Why can’t they communicate directly? This is so damn silly. I’ve never seen anything like this before and I kinda feel like I’ve seen a lot of bullshit in politics.

And of course, the answer is what one would expect:

From: Marsh, Darren
Date: Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 4:46 PM
Subject: Response to requests re Token Creek Move-Out
To: Bruce Wallbaum, Meg Rothstein

Dear Bruce and Meg,

This letter is in response to your request for services and flexibility related to the deadline for those camping at Token Creek County Park to vacate the property by March 17th.

Dane County intends to enforce the March 17th deadline and expects those camping at the park to take all necessary steps to comply. As you may know, staff from Dane County’s Department of Land and Water Resources, Department of Human Services, the County Executive’s office and County Board met with two campers – Betty and Chris – and an advocate – Bruce Wallbaum – to discuss alternatives for the campers’ departure. The meeting was respectful and productive. Following that meeting the County received a response from the campers indicating that they would accept the offer to extend camping privileges in the park to March 17th.

Dane County does not intend to provide trucks for moving equipment from the park to another location. Dane County has, through a contract with Porchlight, provided daily transportation services between the park and downtown Madison. This has allowed the campers to use the County funded day warming center on East Washington Avenue and has allowed people to continue their job and housing searches and attend doctor appointments.

Dane County is not prepared to discuss any further extensions at this time. The weather may have an impact on the ability of those camping at Token Creek to depart on or before March 17th. The County will monitor conditions and decide whether it is impractical to move.

The Dane County Sheriff’s Office, the Parks Division and contract outreach workers from the Department of Human Services will remain in contact with those camping at Token Creek to keep them apprised of new developments.

Thank you for your concern and for your willingness to assist those in need.


Darren Marsh

Parks Director
Parks Division
Dane County Land and Water Resources Department

First of all, “the county” will decide on a weather extension is not a helpful answer. On Sunday, the 17th no one will be in their offices, they aren’t going to have a meeting, so why can’t they just give us the name of one contact person?

Second of all, there is not contact with any outreach workers with those at camp, only law enforcement officers and park rangers. Punishment folks, not helping folks.

Third of all, they didn’t answer the question about things frozen to the ground and how we can come back to retrieve them and how we can help clean up the place. We have offered. We want to help. We want to be good stewards of the land.

Most bizarre situation in the 20 years I’ve been paying attention to politics in this town. Silly county games.


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