Rep. Chris Taylor: F-35 military jets pushed by Corporate Interests

She compares efforts to bring F-35s to Madison to ALEC in how “big corporate special interests, through their wealth and power, often dominate policy making, to the great detriment of actual people.” It’s time to speak up!

I’m so glad to see a vocal Democrat not afraid to step up and do the right thing for Madison. Where are the rest of the Democratic Party leaders?


Dear Friends,

After years of attending the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, I have seen firsthand how big corporate special interests, through their wealth and power, often dominate policy making, to the great detriment of actual people. In the ALEC universe, maximizing corporate profits always comes before people.

I have seen how that perverse priority has driven Republican policy makers in our state over the last 8 years, and the devastation this has caused. And I have fought against it every step of the way.

I am currently seeing a similar power structure right here at home trying to force F-35 military jets on the east and northside communities I represent in the legislature. Based on the constituent contact I have received, the people I have talked with, and the listening I have done, the vast majority of my constituents do not support this proposal. It will not only lead to a peak of almost 3,000 more military flights, but significantly more noise, rendering a larger piece of our city uninhabitable, unless you want to live in a home where you can’t open a window or go outside. Individuals of color, kids and low-income families will be most impacted, and many, many neighborhoods are going to be forever altered.

A group called Badger Air Community Council is pushing the F-35s. Most of their board members are executive businessmen who do not live in Madison, none live in the neighborhoods impacted, and none are people of color. Yet they think they know what is best for our community! They are placing opinion pieces in the local paper (the Wisconsin State Journal has run two in the last week), paying for fancy brochures and producing hats and T-shirts. And now they are organizing to defeat a Tuesday Madison Common Council Resolution to oppose the F-35s.

All we have is our voices. Together, we are strong. I am urging you to contact your Madison alders here and ask them to support the resolution to oppose the F-35 fighter jets. The resolution will be taken up this Tuesday, September 17 at the 6:30 PM Common Council meeting. Now more than ever, people need their elected representatives at all levels to stand up for them! The political response of a community makes a difference in F-35 site selection. If you can, please attend the meeting and testify in support of this resolution at the public hearing. The meeting will take place in Room 201 of the City-County Building at 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd this Tuesday at 6:30 PM.

And remember, you still have time to submit your comments to the Air National Guard on this proposal, until Friday, September 27th. On-line comments can be submitted here. Comments can also be directed to Ramon Ortiz by email, by mail at NGB/A4AM, 3501 Fetchet Avenue, Joint Base Andrews, MD  20762-5157 or by phone 240-612-7042.

Please contact my office if you need any more information.

Thank you for taking action. I believe that the best way to successfully stand up to powerful interests is to raise our voices together!

More actions are coming soon!


Signature Chris Taylor.jpg

Rep. Chris Taylor

76th Assembly District

If you have any comments regarding the subject of this event, please feel free to contact me.

Rep. Taylor
State Capitol, Room 306-West
PO Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-5342


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