Obligatory Post

Yesterday sucked.

Need I say more? Probably.

I can’t believe that the Democrats could eff this up after all that. Well, I can, actually. I’ve been a Green Party member for a very long time (1998? 99?) because of times like this, and policies that helped get us where we are. So, I’m actually not too surprised or too disappointed, as it is what I have come to expect.

I don’t know what else to say.

Anyone have some ballot bags with 180,000 ballots in it, how about an Access Database that isn’t right?

On a more positive note, not written by me (but I’ll put my name on it as co-chair) since I wasn’t in the mood to be more positive . . . but here’s a thought from Progressive Dane.

The results from yesterday’s Wisconsin recall election were, to say the least, disappointing. After many months of struggle, organizing and grassroots efforts to take back Wisconsin from polarizing, divisive, community destroying policies from Governor Scott Walker and his allies in the legislature, the People of Wisconsin fell short. The pain of this result is felt strongly here in Dane County, where the movement to take Wisconsin back was first born on a cold February Day in 2011. As the tolerant and progressive community that we are, we of course were immediately a target of the policies of the Walker administration. It is likely that Scott Walker, even as a cloud of corruption and criminality engulf him, will take up renewed vigor to wreck the communities of Dane County that we hold dear. However, the time is not for fear or extended grieving, but a new sense of purpose and new call to action as we go head first into the coming challenges ahead. Progressive Dane is and always has been dedicated to building and promoting a progressive movement in Dane County, that seeks to make the cities, towns and villages we inhabit a better and greater place to live. As we move forward, we will be asking ourselves and our allies in the community, what must be done to safeguard Dane County families in the coming months? What tactics must be used? What ideas must be invented, reinvented or discarded? What alliances and coalitions must we seek to mobilize? It is Progressive Dane’s hope that in the coming days, weeks and months that these answers will unveil themselves to the broader community. At the very least, a protective shell must be formed around Dane County, Wisconsin to protect it from the worst excesses of this Administration currently occupying the capital. That alone will not be enough. Only a strong united front will prove to be effective. As we move forward in the summer, Progressive Dane hopes to organize like minded groups, communities and people to continue organizing for a Dane County we can be proud of. Will you join us?

Solidarity Forever,
Progressive Dane

Yeah, back to work. Tho, I’m thinking about my own general strike for today . . . not very effective, eh? But it might help to start the day with a bloody mary . . . sigh . . . I guess I’ll go to work. 🙁


  1. Strong Message Sent To Governor Walker, Says Obama; The Serfs’ New Clothes

    “No one can dispute the strong message sent to Governor Walker” Says Obama.

    Check out this graph of the strongest message sent, money.

    Also said by Tom Barrett, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Tripp Wellde, ?
    and who knows how many others?
    The conservative glee over this choice of words drowned out the signal.

    How much you wanna bet? says I.

    Search “sent a strong message” on Twitter, at least half of you will get a big charge out of it.
    My favorite: said Napolean of Wellington, at Waterloo.

    30 mill to under 4, and I deeply hope we all know which way it skews.
    ~20 mill came from out of state for one, ~1 mill for the other.

    Time to wake up nation? Dems, Repubs, are you in there?

    So how come Obama’s war chest is the biggest one ever,
    but Tom get’s 1$ in 20, and no presidential support,
    while Obama flew over the state two days before?

    Tom conceeds while people wait to vote in city streets?
    beginning the end for the middle class war,
    really helping build momentum for Obama’s defeat?

    Then says, clearly, in a chorus, “sent a strong message”.
    A chorus drowned in laughter, and soon forgotten.

    PEW: 2012 American Values Survey – Partisan Divide Reaches New High

    At this article on the PEW survey, there are comments from former R’s & Ds who are fed up.
    Most of them want to vote for “the other” party, seeing no other recourse.
    That’ll definitely “send a strong message”.

    Gallup: In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins
    32% says God guides evolution – that’s the part that scares me.

    “the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others”
    It means we all think everyone knows what we know, but they don’t.

    The Green New Deal

    The solutions are simple, if you just put all the right pieces together.
    Money out of politics is the most important fulcrum,
    to finding the balence between extinction and civil war.

    Are you are sick of voting for rival bank accounts yet?
    Try a party that refuses corporate money – gp.org

    This is not academic forensics, this is not a love fest, it is all out class war, and if I have to tell you who is losing their shirt, it is probably you.

    The serfs’ are wearing new clothes.
    They are of the finest silk money can buy,
    in the loosest yet most refined weave.
    Best of all, they are miraculously invisible.

    Also @ allness.be & montesite.net
    See wigp.org for Jill Stein Clinches GPUS Nomination


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