Know Your Candidates: District 10

Tom Farley, Nelson Donovan and Brian Solomon. This one is awkward. Farley taped on his own on Saturday. Donovan didn’t show up. Solomon taped on Sunday. I was only present for Saturday. And they didn’t make it through the questions. So, this is all I can share with you. You’ll definitely have to watch this one!

This past weekend I sat in on the tapings of the League of Women Voters and City Channel “Know Your Candidates” Interviews. They were doing the tapings for the primary elections, which is February 15th. This was the first time many of the candidates met each other and it was their first forum for the alders. The questions are predictable if you have ever watched these shows. The candidates are nervous as heck because it is one of the first times they have to put themselves out there and the cameras and the lights are intimidating to many. I’m not doing a full recap of the taping, you need to watch the shows for yourself (information on when and how at the end of this post.) I have a brief analysis with some of my thoughts about the races at the end as well.

What is you professional, educational and civic background and why are you running?
Born and raised here, father was active in politics, he also ran for school board, went to college at Georgetown, spent formative years in capital cities that are very political, spent 20 years in New York being a marketing communications professional in financial services industry. Moved back 6 years ago, kids were getting older and wanted a better quality of life. He’s on the Dane County Human Servies Board, the ALRD and Madison Arts Commission. Runs a non-profit, the Chris Farley Foundation. Works with preventing issues with youth, youth in recovery as well working with Gilda’s Club. Running because he wants to be part of the dialogue.

What is the most urgent issue for city as a whole?
Planning and development are key issues, we need to grow, keep infrastructure updated, but not sacrifice special qualities of Madison. Need to address some o the ordinances that may not be appropriate or are outdated, every neighborhood has an iconic area they want to maintain and we should do that, but not overburden our budget, need to be careful about projects we support and not have adverse affect on property taxes. Transportation is a big issue, need to stand up in the face of different statewide vision, and stand firm and make sure that we are not overrun by other thoughts and visions for Madison at the state.

What are 2 or 3 most important district issues?
He talks about the diversity of the district and the schools there. Important to keep the diversity and communicate better. Changes in Allied Drive have been incredible, on the Arts Commission they were lucky to see all the plans and supported it with public art. The quality of life and safety that comes with that is essential, wants to keep momentum going there.

How would you balance the needs of the city, neighborhoods and businesses and what will your role be?
He’s on ALRC and issues are contentious there too, like development. District itself needs a powerful voice, an active leader, he uses Mike Verveer as model, he has a strong voice and knows the issues. Uses humor to ease tensions, self depreciating, wants to be pleasant, civil service is challenging enough and when you have a divisive voice, you isolate yourself. These are tough times and dialogue is heated and impedes progress, need civil debate, he would agree to disagree.

Closing statement
These are critical times for Madison, interesting players stopping off the Common Council, we need community leaders with strong voice, not afraid to speak out, but not afraid to listen too.

Given the way this one unfolded, this is hard to say much about. I have been pointing out where people talk out of both sides of their mouths. If you’re going to be a strong voice for your district, you will be divisive, or else, you won’t be a strong voice. But yes, you can still be civil doing it.

Channel 98 or 994 or soon on line!
Friday, Jan 28th, 10:30 pm
Monday, Jan 31st, 10:30 am
Saturday, Feb 12th, 4:00 pm


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