Employee Handbook removed from Madison School Board Agenda tonight

Here’s the press release.  Interesting phaseology about why it has been removed.MMSD Employee Handbook Discussion Removed from Board Meeting Agenda

Tonight’s board discussion on the employee handbook to be rescheduled for a later date

MADISON – Today, Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) Board of Education President,  Gloria Reyes announced that discussion on MMSD’s Employee Handbook will be removed from tonight’s agenda for the regular Board of Education monthly meeting.

This change in the agenda is to provide additional direction and allow for more discussion and collaboration with stakeholders prior to any board discussion and subsequent action on employee handbook changes.

The board is committed to racial equity and reviewing existing policies and procedures that interfere with our progress on fighting racism within our educational system.  This agenda change will provide time and opportunity for MTI and their membership to forward to the MMSD board equitable strategies and concerns regarding district administration’s recommended changes before a future special meeting of the board.

MMSD will provide public notice when the employee handbook is placed back on the agenda when that information becomes available.


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