Elections Matter!

When Judge Colas ruled that parts of ACT 10 were Unconstitutional, the Governor was quick to personally attack Judge Colas but never once mentioned a thing to do with his ruling.

While the reason for that, is that Judge Colas’s ruling is on very solid ground!

This however shows, the immaturity, lack of substance, and that the whole republican party of Wisconsin has nothing in mind but their pure partisan interests. Had they ever shown any interest in working together to move Wi socnins forward, they could have said that they would o back to the drawing board and fix the problems in the law that Judge Colas pointed out. Instead they tried to demonize him and make him the enemy. The old divide and conquer strategy!

So in November we have a chance to seriously set our state on the right path again. Despite the fact that the republican party secretly gerrymandered our state while redistricting it, wecan still vote out the politicians who do not care about anything but pushing a national ALEC agenda! let’s vote in people who care about the people and the Constitution of Wisconsin.

It is not just the governor that only cares about pure partisan politics, it is the WHOLE republican legislature! As tthese quotes from a low level staffer for Steve nASS clearly points out:

‘Today’s decision will be overturned on appeal. Maybe in the next state budget the Dane County Courts need to be cut.” Mike Mikalsen

“Dane County is the problem. A problem that can and will be dealt with in the next legislative session.” Mike Mikalsen

“There is no question the law will be upheld on appeal. And Dane County and Madison liberals will get what they have coming. The rest of the state is tired of being bullied by the liberal extremists of just one county.” Mike Mikalsen

“Judge Colas is a legal midget mind. Very few liberal attorneys are coming out saying the ruling is both legal and logical. The Assembly Republicans were elected by the voters. We had the majority. That was democracy. Oh, by the way we will still have the majority after the November election.” Mike Mikalsen

DO we want these right wing extremists, who when they do not get their way , bully and threaten their opponents?

DO NOT sit this election out!!


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