E Washington Public Informing, Not Public Input

Right before I left office, you could see that the public input was not really wanted on East Washington and I was having trouble getting information from staff, they have gone from a 25 member committee with lots of input, to public informing in the last two years. Yeah, they’ll just tell us what we want.

Alder Marsha Rummel shed’s a little light on the very brief and cryptic agenda for this meeting coming up to update the public about changes they are working on for East Washington Avenue. But, it just makes me ask more questions.

What does it mean when the alder is looking forward to hearing news at a public meeting? Are they really only planning two meetings to inform the public in 2011? Are they planning any meetings to get public input or are they, once again, merely informing us of what they plan to do?

The city has taken important steps to adopt design guidelines and implement the recommendations of the Capitol Gateway BUILD Steering Committee that focus on creating an employment district on the south side of E Washington Ave and market this key district for jobs and housing opportunities on both sides of the Avenue. The city hired a team of consultants: The Bower Group, Vandewalle and The Hiebing Group to assess the strengths and weaknesses and propose strategies to reposition the district. Last year, the Council approved a resolution to purchase the Don Miller parcels as well as the Schappe parcel on the south side of the Avenue using landbank funds.

This purchase follows years of discussion involving the adjacent neighborhoods, Capitol East businesses, alders and other stakeholders on how to grow and green this historic commercial and industrial corridor. For years I have advocated the re-use of this former commercial-industrial center as a center for the green economy and supported business incubation as a strategy for this area. I am very excited about the proposal to construct a Madison Sustainability Center. I look forward to learning how this important catalyst is progressing.

The Capital East District will continue to be a major focus for sustainable economic development for the city. This is the first of two public neighborhood meetings will be held in 2011 with adjacent alders, the consultant team, and city staff to communicate and get input on the progress made to date.

I hope you can join us Tuesday from 6-8p in the Research Products Training Facility, 130 South Ingersoll.


I think the meeting is actually Wednesday.


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