County Budget: What survived? What didn’t.

The super-amendment is out . . . you can’t testify any more on the county budget, but now is when the real decisions are being made. Here’s what made it in the budget and what didn’t based on all the committee work and some amendments we have never seen. Typically this is a done deal going into Personnel and Finance . . . and rubber stamped by the board.

Here’s the emails of the committee members . . . .

(Names not obvious from the emails are Dennis O’Loughlin, John Hendrick, Sharon Corrigan and Sheila Stubbs)

Full county board can be contacted at or find your representative here.

Bolded and green items are still in the budget . . . those not bolded didn’t make the cut (cough, cough, TRC funding). 39 operating amendments. 16 capital amendments.

Room 351, 5:30 on Thursday (tomorrow).

Presented Monday night Lots more details in the link. Votes in other committees, who’s sponsoring, better descriptions, etc.
EXEC-O-1 – $15,500 Dane County sister City – Kassel Germany cultural exchange
PPJ-O-1 – $101,260 Research Analyst for County Board for Criminal Justice Countil
EXEC-O-2 – $35,000 outreach and research on innovative policies and practices, starting with transit.
EXEC-O-3 – $0 – Office of Equity and Inclusion seek grants for training county employees on implicit bias, racial justice and trauma informed care.
EXEC-0-4 – $0 Office of Equity and Inclusion seek sgrants for expand reach of Community Restorative Court and youth restorative justice
EXEC-O-5 – $0 – Cut $8300 from audit services and reclassify county board staff to get more salary and beenfits of $8,300
EXEC-O-6 – $43,011 restore funding for membership fees to Wisconsin Association of Counties
P&F-O-2 – Change Office of Equity & Inclusion from County Executive Office to stand alone department under the County Board
P&F-O-3 – $0 transfers funds for Government Alliance for Racial Equity with the Office of Equity and Inclusion ($5,000)
P&F-O-4 – $0 transfers funds of $6,850 for Equity Initiatives to Office for Equity and Inclusion
P&F-O-5 – $18,530 for clerk typist for Office of Equity and Inclusion
P&F-O-6 – $0 Creates an Advisory Board for the Office of Equity and Inclusion (revised)
P&F-O-1 – $10,000 mathcing funds to Bayview Foundation for playground equipment
P&F-O-7 – $0 transfer $6,888 from Equity Initiatives to funds for the Criminal Justice County
ZLR-O-1 – $60,000 for BUILD (Better Urban Infill Land Development) planning grants (revised)
ZLR-O-2 – $50,000 to contract for countywide climate action plan (revised)
HHN-O-1 – Changes MSCR funds to Boys and Girls Club for Basketball and Recreation Services
HHN-O-2 – $55,000 Case management for seniors
HHN-O-3 – $22,014 for caregiver support for seniors
HHN-O-4 – $30,000 for Day Center funding – commonly understood to go to Bethel until the new center opens.
HHN-O-5 – $93,475 for Ombudsman position
HHN-O-6b – Using funds that are left over in Human Services budget to fund Salvation Army family and single women
HHN-O-7- $93,700 Housing Development Specialist to administer Affordable Housing Development Fund
HHN-O-8 – $25,000 Dane County Community Fund to grant money to community-based groups addressing racial disparities
HHN-O-9 – $5,000 for the MOST (Madison Outside School Time) program
HHN-O-10 – $14,000 Rainbow Project Rapid Response Team
HHN-O-11 – $10,000 RSVP driver mileage reimbursement
HHN-O-12 – $38,773 Senior Nutrition Site Management (revised)
HHN-O-13 – $25,000 Farmers Market EBT
HHN-O-14 – $39,500 Case management services for inmates transitioning to the community from jail
HHN-O-15 – $12,500 Pathways to Prosperity
HHN-O=16a – $63,840 Family Overflow Shelter funds to Salvation Army to Staff 1st United Methodist Church (no families turned away)
HHN-O-16b – $60,633 to staff single women overflow shelter (no single women turned away)
HHN-O-17 – $307,295 Cost of Living (COLA) increase for noprofits that contract with the County (revised)
HHN-O-18 – $0 – Mental Health broker will work with JFF
P&F-O-8 – $50,000 Tenant Resource Center
Jeremy Levin mystery amendment number one
Jeremy Levin mystery amendment number two

Presented Wednesday night:
EANR-O-1 – $7000 Dane County Pollinator Task Force education materials, seeds and meeting expenses
EANR-O-2 – $3000 organic conversion program pilot – $250 per farm per year for 3 years
EANR-O-3 – $25,000 Community Garden Matching Grant Fund
EANR-O-4 – $23,000 transfer funds to Friends of Lakeview (revised)
EANR-O-5 – $33,000 to monitor chloride concentrations in stormwater runoff
PWT-O-1 – $145,200 two additional snowplow driver positions
PWT-O-2 – $20,000 moving 3 weeks earlier on county roadsides
PWT-O-3 – $1,000 tampons and napkins for free dispenses in Dane County facilities (revised)
PWT-O-4 – $112,312 $15 living wage for Alliant Energy Center
PWT-O-5 – $0 – changing source of revenue from real estate sales to tipping fees
PP&J-O-1 – $101,260 Research analyst to work with Criminal Justice Council (revised)
PP&J-O-2 – $30,000 $5,000 consultant fees to look at jail diversion programs and $25,000 in grants to address issues (revised)
PP&J-O-3 – $0 annual briefing on solitary confinement
PP&J-O-4 – $0 PP&J get a briefing on bail determination, signature bonds and initial appearances and alot more language
PP&J-O-5 – $115,500 overtime for 911 Center
PP&J-O-6 – $0 remove pre-hire position added by Parisi and adds a Communicator positions instead
PP&J-O-7 – saves $189,300 by removing medical examiner’s positions
PP&J-O-9 – $54,700 clerk typist position in Emergency Management instead of LTE (of $12,800)
P&F-O-21 – $27,400 Clerk typist position in Emergency Management
P&F-O-10 – save $35,000 by deleting pre-hire communicator position
P&F-O-11 – save $7,500 by cutting telephone lines and services from back and training facility at East District Campus
P&F-O-15 – $111,250 restore funding for and maintain laundry services contract
P&F-O-16 – save $29,900 for hardware and software maintenance
P&F-O-17 – save $17,000 from cable television, printing, stationary and office supplies from sheriff’s budget
P&F-O-18 – save $37,700 in LTE and social security from sheriff’s budget
P&F-O-19 – save $25,000 to remove security support specialist position added for DNA collection from sheriff’s budget
P&F-O-20 – $75,900 pay laundry inmate workers the living wage ($11.66 per hour), eliminate external laundry contract
and then a whole bunch more mystery amendments that there were copies of dealing with the laundry.

Mystery amendments are here:
New amendments
P&F-O-22 – $111,250 laundry service contract restored
P&F-O-23 – save $37,700 LTE and Social Security in Sheriff’s office
P&F-O-24 – save $15,619 Corp Counsel Permanency Planning
P&F-O-25 – more revenue ($15,000) in Morgue usage
P&F-O-26 – save $9,000 in electricity in Department of Administration
P&F-O-12 – if 16a is adopted, reverse $40,000 from Family Overflow to Homeless Voucher program
P&F-O-13 – $23,840 to add to $40,000 county exec took from homeless voucher program to fund family overflow
P&F-O-14 – $50,633 for single women overflow instead of $60K previously recommended by HHN due to typo
?????? – $54,700 for clerk-typist for emergency management
?????? – $27,400 for clerk typist in emergency management

From Monday
P&F-C-1 – $30,000 Office for Equity and Inclusion interactive directory for City County Building lobby
P&F-C-2 – $60,000 office renovation for Office of Equity and Inclusion
P&F-C-3 – Language about an office for “Office for Race and Equity staff, including the Director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion, the Director of Equal Opportunity, the Manager of Policy and Program Improvement, the Contract Compliance Officer, the ADA Coordinator, the Diversity Recruitment Specialist, and the Clerk-Typist III”
HHN-C-1 – $2M for affordable housing fund
HHN-C-2 – $200,000 software for Badger Prairie Health Care Center

From Wednesday
EANR-C-4 – $3,500 for Dane County Pollinator Protection Task Force brochure racks and signage
EANR-C-17 – $500,000 digester water treatment pilot
EANR-C-19 – delete spending $75,000 manure water treatment-Waunakee
EANR-C-24 – $5,000 Fish Monitoring/Removal/Bubble to hire commercial fisherman to remove carp from Cherokee Lake
EANR-C-25 – Changing form 2:1 to 1:1 match for Silverwood Park Development Fund
EANR-C-26 – $250,000 Legacy Fund for Yahara Clean Lakes Initiative for shoreline erosion, improve biodiversity of marshland and remove carp called the Restore Ecological Health and Aquatic Biodiversity (REHAB) Initiative.
PWT-C-1 – $5,700 purchase or repair tampon and napkin dispensers
PWT-C-2 – $1,500,000 or $2M (?) matching funds for Transit Grant Fund
PWT-C-3 – $1M for SMART Fund for energy efficiency/alternative energy
P&F-C-5 – $40,000 Stone House Welcome Center at Silverwood Park
P&F-C-4 – Remove $250,000 for borrowing and expenditures for In-House Laundry project in Sheriff’s Office


P&F-31 – Expenditures be increased by $579 in the Department of Human Services – Children, Youth and Families Division – Juvenile Justice Services to provide an increase for discretionary funds for the community restorative court.
P&F-O-29 – Increase revenue by $39,908 to reflect increased General Transprotation Aids.

P&F-O-27 – Delete the expenditure of $15,000 in the Department of Administration for the Boys and Girls Club Interns and increase expenditures in the Office for Equity and Inclusion by $15,000 for the same purpose, transfering the program to the newly created office.

P&F-O-30 – Decrease revenue by $44,202 to reflect updated computer exempt aid estimate

P&F-O-28 – Expenditures be reallocated in the Office for Equity and Inclusion to fund a new pilot initiative called Partners In Equity and add the following language to 2015 RES-254: “During the pilot year of the Partners in Equity program, the program will be administered by the Department of Human Service who will partner with OEI. Grants shall be awarded to Dane County-based community groups that propose to use funding to address systemic racial inequities in health, education, employment, or the criminal justice system, including, but not limited to, proposals that address issues that were identified in the Criminal Justice Workgroup recommendations. This is a pilot initiative and the OEI may partner with other community institutions to support this effort. Criteria will be established by the Office of Equity and inclusion Advisory Board. Applicant proposals shall be scored and awarded by a team of at least one county board member from the HHN committee, one county board member from the PPJ committee and one county board member from the Executive committee appointed by the county board chair, and three additional individuals who are members of the OEI advisory board appointed by the chair of the advisory board. In 2017 and subsequent years, the program will the fully administered by the OEI using the process outlined above.”

P&F C-6 – Prior to the purchase of the nutrient concentration system equipment, a business plan for the operation and maintenance of the NCS equipment will be presented to and approved by the Environment Agriculture Natural Resources Committee. The plan will include information on who and how the equipment will be operated, operational and maintenance costs, revenue projections, information on the benefits of increased efficiencies of the digester operation, benefits of reduced hauling costs, confirmation of increased Phosphorous reduction, and corresponding water quality improvements.

Under the framework for operation of the system, concentrated nutrients will be land applied consistent with each farm’s nutrient management plan and corresponding WPDES permit, or removed from the Yahara River watershed. The agreement with the operator will provide for an initial operating term of no less than ten years. If the business plan dictates that direct discharge of the water from the system is necessary for the system to be economically feasible, then no purchase of equipment will proceed without an approved permit from the WIDNR that allows discharge directly to Pheasant Branch Creek.

After approval of the business plan, the plan and all necessary permits shall be presented to the Personnel & Finance Committee in order for the committee to vote to release the funds for the purchase of the system.

EXEC-C-1 – Expenditures and borrowing proceeds be increased by $ 15,000 in the capital budget for the Office of the County Board to renovate and furnish office space on the City-County Building for additional staff.


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