A Drug(store) Problem in Cottage Grove…

The Cottage Grove Planning Commission recently approved the plans for the new CVs/caremark in Cottage Grove, "with almost no debate." ...

You Can’t Shame The Shameless!

In the midst of the whole "budget repair" bill fiasco and Governor Walkers re-igniting of the progressive movement in America, the republicans in wisconsin...

Don’t Take Your Guns To Town…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall...

Think Globally but Pay Attention Locally…

The Village of Cottage Grove meeting this week was very telling of four members of the board. This item: e. Ad Hoc...

Won’t someone think of the children….

We recently had Budget listening Session in Cottage Grove, conducted by our State Representative Gary Hebl and Legislative Fiscal Bureau Head Bob...

The actual story – MGSD

Recently, the Keep scott walker in power campaign funded largely by out of state special interests, ran an ad where he used a...

An Open Letter to Christopher Mertes

Christopher Mertes, managing editor and far right wing idealogue, of the Sun Prairie Star, recently wrote one of the most ridiculous editorials I...

Dane County Education Meeting

The community wide education meeting was very much a success. With a solid crowd and great speakers, the Sunday afternoon meeting...

Why the Choice for County Clerk Matters

I believe that the appointment of the next Dane County Clerk will have a significant impact on the future direction of our State, our...

Spring Elections . . . Boys, Boys, Boys

It is a Boys Club still . . . check it out, where are the women candidates? Only a few women in the alder races. Here's the latest as the close of the day yesterday of who is running.

Recall Repercussions

The results were in this summer with the democrats flipping two seats in the Senate recalls. While the republicans lost two seats,...

Even in Dane County the Fiscal Conservatives are Breaking Us!

We have been chronicling how the fiscal conservatives are breaking the bank, now we see it "trickling down" to the Dane County Board....