Home Poor and Living in Madison

Poor and Living in Madison

Two Americas

I'm not a Democrat. I'm a member of the Green Party but . . . it's hard to ignore this. When is...

Racial Disparities Implementation Team Work

I'd kept half an eye on the Dame County Task Force on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System, but my interest and hope...

Teacher Pay

I wrote a LTE regarding teacher pay last year, and in Lieu of The community wide education meeting, I thought I would bring...

Holes in our Safety Net

Ok, I'm not sure I fully understand the full impact of the new rules about child support and W-2 payments but I do understand...

Short Recap of Short County Board Meeting

Watched it on TiVo . . . wasn't feeling well so went home. So, you don't really get the same information as if...

Short Week Monday Morning Round Up

Edgewater free round up . . . CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MIASo, where is our Economic Development Commission, our Economic Development Director and city leadership?...

New Rule

With Apologies to Bill Maher, I thought I would steal his famous segment. New Rule: You can't advocated...

Monday Morning Round Up

So, it was a very busy week last week and this week looks to be more of the same. Anyways, here's a few...

My Experiences with Brittingham Park

So, after I wrote my blog about how the City and Non-profits are thinking about dealing with the homeless, I decided that I had...

Time Warp: Section 8 Tenants are Criminals

10 years ago, the leading reason cited for why landlords shouldn't have to take Section 8 tenants was that they are criminals. We...

Message to the Poor: Leave Town! Now!

That's right, we don't care if you grew up here in Madison, or if your family lives here. We don't care if your...

Scott Walker Just Cut Your Pay

If your in education! Cross Posted @bloggingblue: I wrote earlier about Scott Walker's latest attack on teachers. This morning Katy Lounsbury was on SLY...