More Sunny….

I addressed the fact that Sunny Schubert kept her affiliation with WPRI to herself here, and she addressed it here. Looking between...


I received this in my email today and wanted to share it for a couple of reasons. The first is do not get...

Wisconsin Uprising – The Art Show!

Recently, Steve Nass and his spokesman got wind that the UW School for workers was putting on an art show. They then...

Some Endorsements for the Primary!

* Yuri Rashkin in the 44th District. * Joe Wineke in the 80th! In Wisconsin, we have to have people willing to step up...

Purge the Merge and other Village Business

The Village/Town of Cottage Grove merger talks merger talks have been put on hold. I have written before on the...

I did it – did you?

I recently asked people to check with their local politicians, on how they feel about Governor Walkers "budget repair" bill. I sent...

Scott Walker Just Cut Your Pay

If your in education! Cross Posted @bloggingblue: I wrote earlier about Scott Walker's latest attack on teachers. This morning Katy Lounsbury was on SLY...

Hello McFly!

Recently Cottage Grove Village Trustee Micah Zielke went on a little rant about local participation in Government during his officer remarks. "I would like...

Vote Andy Jorgensen!

Due to redistricting, which was done unethically and in complete secrecy, and is now costing Wisconsin taxpayers close to $2,000,000 that could have been...

ballot box solutions…..

Having spent lots and lots of time at the Capitol, many of the great speakers there keep mentioning recall. Not only of Scott...

An Open Letter to National Conservative Groups from Wisconsin’s Liberal Bloggers

To: Chris Chocola, Club for Growth The Honorable Jim DeMint, junior Senator from the Great State of South Carolina It is with great disappointment that we...

A Drug(store) Problem in Cottage Grove…

The Cottage Grove Planning Commission recently approved the plans for the new CVs/caremark in Cottage Grove, "with almost no debate." ...