Council Recap – The Rest of the Meeting

Continued . . . .BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS#40 SHERMAN TERRACE WATER MAINSRobert Schniker - support - passes on speakingRichard Meyer - Sherman Terrace was...

French Battery Factory Replica Considered Historic Preservation?

Last night at the plan commission we approved the demolition of French Battery Factory in order to make way for new development (Union Corners)....

UDC: This sucks.

So, it's 9:00, the Urban Design Commission (agenda) is on item #7 . . . and I'm here for items #10 (scheduled for 6:15)...

Where is the Win-Win on the Edgewater (Or How Developers Make it Hard on...

The win-win, is on East Washington.A week or two ago, a neighbor posed this question on a listserve.I know most are getting sick about...

What are (and are not) TODs?

TOD = Transit Oriented DevelopmentThe Whole Foods project we rejected last night was not a TOD.Last night during the Whole Foods/Joseph Freed discussion, there...

2007 Budget – Sick Leave Not Implemented, And More

Wouldn't you assume that when something gets put into the budget and it gets the votes on the council, that it would get implemented....

The Friday Snarkarama

I have about 30 blog topics in my queue that I haven't gotten to, I might not have snarky comments about all of them,...

Kozak Properties

Last week, Marc Eisen wrote a piece in the Isthmus on the potential sale of several Kozak properties, the majority of which are on...

District 2 Updates

2008 has been busy so far . . . here's a few very brief updates about what's going on.MOVING THE CONKLIN HOUSEThis project went...

Madison Neighborhoods, Inc. – What is it?

With all of the budget talks about if there should be a Westside Planning Council and our annual attack on the funding for the...

Short Recap of Short County Board Meeting

Watched it on TiVo . . . wasn't feeling well so went home. So, you don't really get the same information as if...

Continued Round Up for this Week

Less regurgitation of things you should know, more attitude! :)BIGOTED FLASHBACKAs my co-worker and friend Megin McDonell says on my Facebook page "hello?...