Home Planning Issues - Generally

Planning Issues - Generally

2007 Budget – Sick Leave Not Implemented, And More

Wouldn't you assume that when something gets put into the budget and it gets the votes on the council, that it would get implemented....

Trains and Trolleys Follies

Someone needs to lock County Executive Kathleen Falk and Mayor Dave Cieslewicz in a room, give them a stern lecture on how they...

District 2 Frigid Updates

Here's the run down on the many, many, many things going on in District 2. Moving houses, developments, neighborhood plans, new bars, planning...

Anti-business. Or, Anti-business?

It's funny how you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. Tonight, at the plan commission we will be debating the...

Where is the Win-Win on the Edgewater (Or How Developers Make it Hard on...

The win-win, is on East Washington.A week or two ago, a neighbor posed this question on a listserve.I know most are getting sick about...

A Beautiful Mural on an Ugly Canvas

It seems I have stirred up a bit of a hornet’s nest over on Facebook in a thread about the beautiful mural being painted...

Slow News Week Thursday

The slow news week continues, so I have to make my own . . . luckily I have some material you won't be reading...

Planning and Development Department Reorganization

Sorry - I didn't do so well on the blogging, I got pneumonia instead . . . but I got out of the house...

What’s in a Name?

Depending upon who you talk to, the promise of the future? Or much ado about nothing?Currently, the City of Madison has a Department...

Short Recap of Short County Board Meeting

Watched it on TiVo . . . wasn't feeling well so went home. So, you don't really get the same information as if...

No one?

So, we are being told that can't do an RFP (Request for Proposals) to find someone to develop 9 acres of land on Allied...

CDBG Commission Takes the High Road

The CDBG commission refused to take a position on the hiring of Bill Clingan for the Economic and Community Development Unit Director. Something...