Home People's Affordable Housing Vision

People's Affordable Housing Vision

A People’s Vision – Homelessness Issues

This was one of the topic areas with the most responses . . . These are the items that got the most responses:- Need...

The People’s Affordable Housing Vision

Or should that be hallucination at this point?We've been talking about it for years . . . we've taken some steps forward and more...

The People’s Housing Vision Moves Forward . . .

Thursday night at 5:30 at the Central Library . . . Last month we scaled down our long list of housing concerns and possible...

People’s Affordable Housing Vision

After taking August off, we're back it!To refresh your memory, here's the work we've done so far (affordable housing, homelessness, discrimination/fair housing and tenant/landlord)....

A People’s Vision – Tenant/Landlord Issues

I still don't have all the notes done, but this is a start!Just a little background to get you started if you weren't there....

A People’s Vision – Discrimination Issues

This was hard to brainstorm, because people just wanted to list the various types of discrimination and protected classes.These are the items getting the...