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Not My Police Department

Chief Koval recently wrote a blog in which he says "The Police are the Public and the Public are the Police." It sounds nice, but it doesn't erase everything else that has happened in the past few years. Crafting with a Cop, serving hot dogs at a community event, and having an article written that says that Samba Baldeh and the Chief have reconciled their differences - doesn't fix things. It ignores real and serious problems. It seems like a PR attempt to sweep things under the rug. It fails to acknowledge real harms and real problem. We have a policing crisis. They might not see it, but its real, and these things will do nothing to solve it. Hang in with me for a moment and let me explain.

County Thumbs Up, City Thumbs Down

The benches are back! Thanks especially the County Board Supervisors and County Executive Parisi - for doing the right thing. Now, where were the alders? And why were they returned?

Mayor Candidate Debate on Homelessness

Moderated by the League of Women Voters, sponsored by Homeless Services Consortium, its a quick 45 minutes.
Round Up

Wednesday Round Up 9/25/19

News, Tea with Satya, Water Utility poll, leaf pick up and more . . .

Latest Blow to Tenants in Wisconsin!

This is the 5th change to tenant landlord laws in Wisconsin in 4.5 years. We at the Tenant Resource Center are exhausted from trying to keep up . . . the governor passed the bill on 2/29, it was published on 3/1 and went into effect on 3/2. The laws became available electronically on 3/17 (last Thursday) and here's our latest and greatest summary. Landlords now act like police, determining what is criminal behavior, punishing the person or their family . . . but they also still have to prove it in court!

Why Save the Erdman Building?

Why is it historic? Here's info from the Landmark's nomination.

Token Creek Disaster Area – UPDATED

This is how the county treats the homeless. #$%#@! And now the van isn't going to pick people up today.

An Elephant In Reformers Clothing

As we get closer and closer to the spring elections, more and more information about the candidates is emerging.  I already wrote an endorsement...

Tony Galli

UGGG. We all know that Scott Walker is in trouble. His poll numbers are tanking. His absolute love of cronyism at...

An Open Letter to Christopher Mertes

Christopher Mertes, managing editor and far right wing idealogue, of the Sun Prairie Star, recently wrote one of the most ridiculous editorials I...

Madison Property Management – Doesn’t Care about the Law

Students, renters, beware. They have no qualms about violating your rights if you live downtown this weekend, or anytime else.

Clear Choices On The Madison School Board (Jeff Simpson)

Tomorrow February 19 (Primary), and following that April 2, 2019(general), are important local/non-partisan elections for the State and the city of Madison.   In April...