CC Recap – 600 East Johnson

Tear down 11 houses and build 3 big buildings on E Johnson Street? Sure, screw the neighborhood plan . . . if we...

What Public Space/Lake Access are we getting for $16M

Half way through the Plan Commission on Monday night, during a break and after the public had spoken, a limited number of copies of...

I’m baaack . . . The Mother of All Round Ups (Part II)

Ok - here's part II, I'm not too focused today, expect a part III plus a part IV on the Edgewater . ....

Edgewater – The Neighborhood Presentation

This post is part 3 of a series that starts here, and it will be much shorter because the neighborhood was given less time,...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

A little more Round Up

There's a little bit out there to comment on . . . EDGEWATER TOURI considered going, but didn't feel like listening to another sales...

Partial Friday Round Up

Chamber later reports, TIF, Hotels, Bruer and other miscellaneous stuff . . . CHAMBER, DID THEY REALLY KNOW?A friend of mine sent me this...

Gloomy Friday Round Up!

Here it is, lets find out who got screwed this week! FEE SPEECHWhile we continue to talk about the impact of money in local...

Wednesday Round Up

There's so many things going on, looks like I'm going to do a mid-week round up as I continue to try to catch up...

The Likely Incomplete (City) Week Ahead

Here we go again . . . with no Edgewater meetings! They are supposed to get their amended applications in this week, next...

Edgewater Project-Labor Agreement Still Elusive

I've heard back from everyone except Bruer and Maniaci and the Building Trades. See the alder responses below.

I’m baaack . . . The Mother of All Round Ups (Part IV)

Ok, this has the rest of the week, minus the Edgewater and then, I think, I'm caught up and read through mostly all my...