Why the Choice for County Clerk Matters

I believe that the appointment of the next Dane County Clerk will have a significant impact on the future direction of our State, our...

Misplaced Priorities

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it. P.J. O'ROURKE, Holidays in Hell The Village Board in...

Which MM is more popular? Mark Miller or Mike Mikalsen?

Tonight in the Village Of Cottage Grove, appointed village president Mike Mikalsen and Dane County Supervisor David Wiganowsky, are holding a...

20 Supervisors Call for Action on LGBT Civil Rights

Twenty Dane County Supervisors signed a letter on Tuesday asking President Obama and members of Congress from Wisconsin to take action of four items...

Let’s get them on the record!

Governor Walker came out last week with a union busting bill - Lots more information here. A couple of things have been overlooked...

DCB Exec Comm: 3 Important Issues Thursday at 6!

The Executive Committee of the Dane County Board meets at 6:00 p.m. in Room 310 of the City-County Building on July 8, 2010.  Here's the agenda with accompanying resolutions: EX20100708attach.pdf