The County Week Ahead

Here's my shot at it, with little information easily accessible to guide me . . .

Short Recap of Short County Board Meeting

Watched it on TiVo . . . wasn't feeling well so went home. So, you don't really get the same information as if...

Paying Attention in Cross Plains….

Hopes for better water quality and forĀ redevelopment in Dane County do not have to conflict...or do they? The Village of Cross Plains has proposed a...

The (County) Week Ahead

Without the budget, things slow back down, but still some items of note . . . and several missing agendas?? Full weekly...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

“Monkey” Business

Madison, WI is considered by many to be the non-human primate research capitol of the world. Both Covance and UW-Madison utilize thousands of...

And That’s the Ball Game

The deal has been sealed. The cat is out of the bag. The chickens are roosting. Choose whatever finale-themed cliche you wish. ...

Dane County Executive poll

The Spring Primary is less than a week away. With the questions surrounding the poll released by Joe Parisi's campaign, I thought...

The County Board Short Week Ahead

I hate doing these more and more every week, because you can't tell much from their agendas TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2010 5:45 p.m. ENVIRONMENT, AGRICULTURE &...

County Board Recap – Final

I had to tivo it as I had a meeting I had to be at for work, but here it is. The agenda...

Just for fun

A nice tribute to badger hoops and the desperation of the Bruskewitz campaign.

County Board Recap

Not much on the agenda, but here it is for what it is worth . . . all 74 pages and 55 minutes.A....