About that School Board Ethics Complaint

So, the board is meeting tonight but there is no public input. Andy Olsen wrote a great piece that is essentially what I would say if given the opportunity, so I thought I’d share it with you all. I’ll blog more tomorrow about all the crap going on in the background . . .

Andy Olsen hit on the issues very succinctly!

Dear School Board Members:

You have a meeting scheduled this evening to discuss the ethics complaint of which I am one of three signatories.

The actions are pretty clearly a violation of this section of MMSD ethics policies (there are other clauses that you should address):

No employee or member of the BOARD OF EDUCATION whose non-DISTRICT employment or independent contracting is compensated by a DISTRICT vendor shall participate in or attempt to influence the DISTRICT’S purchasing process in matters involving such vendor.

The MMSD General Counsel and the attorney for Chair Reyes claim that the City of Madison is not a vendor to the MMSD, even though MMSD purchases services on contract from the City of Madison. The City of Madison employs Ms Reyes. Mr. Bell founds his argument by claiming the relationship is actually a partnership, based on this definition (my emphasis):

A collaborative relationship between the DISTRICT and a community entity that is mutually beneficial and works toward shared goals and purpose through an agreed-upon division of labor, services, outcomes and financial commitment.

Mr. Bell claims this ethics rule does not apply because the contract in question has an addendum that spells out some elements of this definition. However, the addendum was not in force at the time the actions of the MMSD Board Chair occurred. There is no evidence of a previously existing partnership agreement between the City and MMSD, to my knowledge.

Therefore, no such partnership existed at the time of the vote, even if one accepts the addendum as a partnership agreement. And, really, is the relationship referred to as a partnership in the addendum, itself?

I joined this complaint to seek better ethical behavior. (I am conflicted on the SRO contract itself and do not have a solid position.) All that we have asked is for the School Board to adopt more ethical practices and to take ethics training – no punishment or fines. The fact that the MMSD General Council and Board Chair Reyes are fighting this outcome so strongly creates an unfortunate impression that they are resisting ethical practices.

Please agree to the ethics complaint and improve practices to build public confidence.


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